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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Well done Jonnyboy, excellent work.
  2. I am and enjoyed so much more than expected. Might have to check out the recent album
  3. This is tempting Clarky but I have to sell a Fender first.
  4. My lot have done weddings and other functions. A very varied set, which is listed on our Lemonrock page. Link down below somewhere
  5. You don't get that lovely vintage smell with new basses though. I haven't lost my marbles, other vintage owners will know what I mean
  6. [quote name='KarlK' timestamp='1383751929' post='2268574'] does anyone have any helpful feedback - looking to sell so Iwant to price it right cheers Karl [/quote] Although there is a lot of love of these vintage fenders, the market is still fairly slow. I guess if you need to shift it quickly then try dropping the price, if not, hang on in there. Answer any pms etc. and bump it up every 36 hours.
  7. [quote name='thebigyin' timestamp='1383752297' post='2268581'] Toby......i'm sure this was Paul Rodgers (Free, Bad Co) Band when Free split in early 70s???? Or was it Peace??? But sure there's a connection to the Band FREE. [/quote] There was a Toby and a Peace, but I can't recall now who was in which.
  8. Love the pic of you and your blondes.
  9. Still a useful reply for me Richard, as I've been thinking about replacing the six spot light bulbs in my kitchen ceiling light with LED's
  10. I had the same with the neck on my G&L SB1. I went with very fine wet/dry paper, worked a treat. The dinks are still visible but can hardly be felt when playing now. In my opinion the soldering iron/sponge method is better on non lacquered surfaces.
  11. Just remember: measure twice, cut once
  12. sounds like a fine idea Bob. I'm in. Might be able to get rid of some of my wifes dodgy old choices
  13. I've used that supplier a couple of times and have been more than happy with the service and product.
  14. I've seen it on ebay but only stumbled across it by chance.
  15. Thanks for that Mr Thunderbird, not that I'm flying but thats a handy link.
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1383383160' post='2263779'] Will people please stop taking the scratchplate off and wandering around naked. It goes against all common decency. It's like going out without your keks on. [/quote] concurred
  17. My advice would be to relocate your earplugs for the second set.
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