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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I like all three of those, lovely. Love the 2012 standard, let me know if you want to sell.
  2. Richard if you do visit mac towers to see the jazz, I've got a couple of P basses loaded up with quarter pounder pups, you might find the sound to your liking.
  3. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJFATnRUeQM#at=39"]http://www.youtube.c...FATnRUeQM#at=39[/url] Hopefully the above link will work. My G&L in action.
  4. I have an old SB1 and love it. The pups are hugely powerful and with DR highbeams it growls in a very pleasing way. You're welcome to visit, with doughuts , although I'm about an hour and a half from you,in Herts.
  5. That's very decent of you, thank you so much for the kind offer.
  6. Kiogon is your man for the wiring harnness.
  7. Very nice but your socks clash horribly with the paint job
  8. [sup]Wow, that is some collection. A very nice pension fund [/sup]
  9. Not heard of that one but I'm sure someone who has will be along soon.
  10. I seem to recall someone saying that the slug tape variety doesn't work for shielding, something about the adhesive. Not tested the theory myself.
  11. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1372192433' post='2122781'] [url="http://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/17699955542778753396?q=squier%20vintage%20modified%20jazz%20bass%20for%20sale&client=ms-android-lge&hl=en-GB&v=133247963&biw=320&bih=401&sa=X&ei=NP7JUYODM_L50gX0hYG4CQ&ved=0CE8Q8wIwAQ#hsec:overview"]http://www.google.co...Q#hsec:overview[/url] is the same spec as your bass? Cheers [/quote] Yes think it's the same model.
  12. It's not easy though is it? I always seem to come up with reasons to keep them
  13. Thanks. Tempted but I don't really need another P bass in the house. Let me think on it and get back to you later. Meanwhile, whats the condition of the P bass and are we talking a straight swap?
  14. [quote name='yepmop' timestamp='1372141224' post='2122011'] Bernadette - 4 tops, just for my own enjoyment. Also Sittin' on the dock of the bay as I think it's a good song that I can practice singing and playing at the same time. [/quote] Heard Bernadette whilst driving to the shops a couple of days back, just love that bass line. Like you, I think I'll learn it just for my own enjoyment.
  15. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1372059749' post='2120994'] Been learning a bit of Metallica but only half halfheartedly as I'm not really feeling much bass love at the minute I shouldn't really be playing as I am waiting to go into hospital for an op on my hand as I've done something to my tendons so all I have been doing for the last few weeks is 10 mins here and there on the bass booo hooo me lol [/quote] Hope you get sorted soon. Maybe bass playing will be recommended as a form of physio for you
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