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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1363696356' post='2015929'] If changing the parts has to be done, my recommendations would be: Pickup - Seymour Duncan Quarterpounder (for the music-type mentioned) Bridge - Gotoh (reasonable in cost, look roughly the same, but very good quality) [/quote] I'm with Lozz, fitted both of those items to my last p bass build and was thoroughly delighted. Probably will need to duck for cover now but I think that the Gotoh is far better and also more pleasing to look at than the Badass. I've had both and would never again spend out the ridiculous ammount that the Badass units command these days.
  2. I think I would get some wood filler (what my Dad called Brummer) in the nearest colour to the body. Sure I've seen this bass recently, was it Ebay? Anyway, it's looking better already.
  3. [quote name='YouMa' timestamp='1363465649' post='2013158'] Love space ritual,wish i had been one of stacias groupies,fine figure of a woman. [/quote] Thanks to YouMa, for supplying her name, I had forgotten
  4. I recall seeing them at the Sundown, Edmonton in 1973. Still got a Hawkwind badge purchased on the night. Met their very well endowed dancer that night, but being a tongue tied awkward teenager I said nothing and stared at her chest
  5. Very good luck with it, hope it goes well for you.
  6. It's always a pleasure to provide a nod in your direction John.
  7. I'm slightly reluctant to let this go because it is such a decent p bass body but funds are needed for an amp purchase and with no source of income I need to sell stuff. It is a very good quality Japanese 57 R/I body from 1996. Remarkably good condition for its age, although there are a couple of small chips to the paintwork by the neck pocket, visible in the pics below. Some slight buckle type rash on the rear, not bad enough to show up in the pics. Otherwise all good. Cavities have been properly screened. A good resonant body, dont know what wood it is but weighs in at a reasonable 5lb 4oz. I used it for a home build with seymour duncan quarter pounders and it sounded marvelous. Played three gigs with it and received plenty of compliments from band mates and even some of the audience. Selling for [s]£150 [/s] £140.00 which includes p&p with Royal Mail. Happy for it to be collected in which case the price will of course be adjusted. I'm in Hertfordshire (about 15 mins from junction 25 of M25. [attachment=129913:021.JPG][attachment=129914:024.JPG][attachment=129915:026.JPG][attachment=129916:027.JPG][attachment=129917:028.JPG][attachment=129918:035.JPG]
  8. That has cheered me up this morning, thanks for posting
  9. I pulled out of a gig last year. We played our first gig at the venue but I refused to return for the next gig the following month. Large ammounts of coke snorting was going on (not by the band), a generally threatening atmsosphere throughout our set and then a number of punch ups towards the end of the night. Even during the pack up I had two drunken herberts crash in to me whilst punching each other and one attempting to glass the other. Decided there and then that I wouldn't be back. The glass could quite easily have been in my face.
  10. That would work ok or do yourself a favour contact Kiogon and get one of his hand built wiring kits, with high quality pots, cable and connector blocks for solder free connecting. I've done three or four p bass builds and used Kiogons kit, It's quality
  11. I was so looking forward to seeing the finished article and it doesn't disappoint. What a total beauty I'm guessing you wont be gigging it down the local boozer. Anyway, congrats. Well done on a good thread and getting such a lovely instrument to cherish.
  12. Yes they are quality. Very nice. I had an early 80's 1200 until a couple of years back. Sold it as it was a little too heavy for me to gig with these days. Do miss it though, although I'm attempting to only keep instruments that I gig with. Anyway, hope you enjoy a long and happy time together
  13. I'm deffo in then. Although sometimes I use my G&L.
  14. Yes, that sounds totally spiffing, very pleasing indeed.
  15. A very pleasing pair.
  16. Sorry don't know the answer but was just listening to Pleasant Valley a couple of days back and thoroughly enjoying the bass line.
  17. A fair few mex p bass and jazzes seem to get around the £300 mark at the mo on ebay. Don't think I would, unless I felt that I could do a decent repair myself and/or spray the headstock to match the body. Does it play well? Is the price negotiable?
  18. Yes I'd be quite happy with that set list. A few of them are in the set that we do, with our girlie singer. We've just been talking about adding the Elbow number.
  19. [quote name='warriorbass05' timestamp='1362144557' post='1996374'] How about this [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zNvBIfSfOM&list=UUkL5Yr0mf37cfKZ4u-vUbIQ&index=1[/media] [/quote] Man I love this one. Can't hear your vid very well but that could be the fault of my laptop speakers I guess.
  20. That has made a splendid start to my day
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1362319273' post='1998287'] Ooh, I'm very sorry to hear it, mate. A morale booster that hurts... may you recover quickly. [/quote]
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