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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1362314717' post='1998205'] You didn't have a... [i]drink, [/i]did you? *Gasp* [/quote] No drinkies Mark, just the M.E. giving me a severe bashing lately. The gigging is a great morale booster but I really pay for it, usually two or three days of being flat out and quite often a migraine thrown in on top of the mix.
  2. Function gig for us last night, a fishing club's end of season annual bash. Fully expected it to be a bit of a dire affair, as we had been told before hand, that there has never been any dancing to any of the bands booked in previous years. Second number in and we had them up and bopping Got paid a bonus and two more bookings. All in all a good night. Paying for it today though, crashed out on the sofa and feeling extremely fuzzy.
  3. I will resist the temptation to slap through the middle of Mustang Sally at the function tonight. ....sigh......... It's a fishing club end of season dinner dance, only we've been told they never dance.
  4. Lovely bass though and good luck with your sale.
  5. [quote name='StuartB' timestamp='1362076463' post='1995475'] Rulers can be tricky devils... [/quote] why would you not just go and measure it
  6. Lozz has a very nice USA standard up for sale. Tempted myself.
  7. Got to say I'm totally staggered to see this ad Nige. So it really is true, the P bass gets us all in the end . I know that I'm probably further away than Jack but if you want a trip up to Mac towers to try out my P basses you are very welcome.
  8. Good post Nige and I thoroughly agree, even though I've been guiltly of not checking out enough of the stuff on here, other than your stuff and Clarky's. Oh and yesterday I did visit the rather excellent vid put up by our Mr. Discreet.
  9. [quote name='The Bass Doc' timestamp='1361985837' post='1994086'] I particularly like the sound of your custom P bass. It sounds like the guy who created it is outrageously handsome. [/quote]
  10. There's some very handsome wood amongst that lot
  11. Welcome Bass six. These are great cabs and it should sell on here. You will be doing yourself a favour and almost certainly get more interest if you post up where you are located and whether you are willing to post.
  12. Oh god we haven't even started on flats, or rounds yet. Or make of strings.
  13. This could take a while post 13 and we are still on the number of strings, which, by the way must be FOUR.
  14. I've let my subscription slip this year. Even the free gift couldn't tempt me. Last years one never arrived and the year before I had to make numerous phone calls before they finally sent it. I know it has new ownership now but just feel totally hacked off with it. Plus they need to use a bigger font size for us more senior readers
  15. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1361800941' post='1991038'] Interparcel / UPS aren't that amazing. I've used them many times with no problem until this happened last week.... The bass was in a hardcase (now also broken) and a padded-out Fender packing carton. [/quote] What a depressing sight
  16. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1361792764' post='1990783'] Sorry, I just can't agree with this. I have bought perfectly playable instruments from shops. However, it takes a trip to the tech I use to get the instrument playing exactly the way I want it. I don't expect a shop to cater for all the adjustments that have to be made to suit my own playing style. All I expect is a shop to produce a bass in playable condition. If it's not in playable condition then I don't buy it. This opens a can of worms as to what is playable. However, I think some folk just expect far too much from a shop when it comes to set up. I have played (or tried to play) basses which belonged to friends of mine. There is no way I could live with their set up. If I had tried the same bass with same set up of the hook in a shop would it be fair to say that the bass in unplayable. I don't think so. It just didn't suit me. If a bass is so bad in a shop that there are obvious problems then I wouldn't touch it anyway but I do feel at times we expect too much from our retailers. Excuse me now whilst I go and put on my suit of armour. [/quote] I do agree with you about set up of course. But if there is a problem with neck alignment or the bridge being in the wrong place then to me it makes sense to get the retailer to deal with it as it's not really a set up issue but rather poor quality control.
  17. One bid in the last few seconds and it went for £1900. I wasn't quite brave enough to put in a bid. Did contact the seller yesterday and he was ok with a viewing. So, is a Bass Chatter the happy new owner?
  18. Why spend money with a tech when it should be right. Plus if someone starts carrying out adjustments/alterations there is a good chance you will void your warranty.
  19. Thanks Chris, I didn't think of looking on their Facebook page I'm going to think about it over the next few days and make all the comparisons between the three: Markbass, TC BH250, GK MB200. Also probably need to put something up for sale to fund it.
  20. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1361730814' post='1990023'] MB200 is an excellent amp. I've used mine with a Schroeder cab for Jam House Band with loud drummers and it was fine. It also gets used for rehearsals and to drive the monitors when we're gigging. [/quote] Thanks Dave, hadn't thought of using it for the monitors. Mind you, then I wouldn't be keeping safe as a spare
  21. Gareth, just been looking at the spec/prices for the MB200. All looks good and at £195 even more affordable. Only has one speakon socket but I'm guessing I could daisy chain my two MB 2 x 10"s. Well I now have three amps to think about
  22. Thanks for that, I'll check them out. Well actually I had almost decided on the TC BH250 a few weeks back but then saw the MarkBass. Not familiar with the GK. Why do say that about the Markbass?
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