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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. That is deffo going to be a thing of beauty, well it already is. Classy mate.
  2. I suspect you are right. I'm still tempted. It's not too huge a sum to spend for what will be a spare.
  3. Although it's very similar to the one you got me a couple of years back, I'm tempted, especially given it's weight.
  4. Any fellow Bass Chatters had any experience with these amps? I've been thinking of getting a spare amp, just in case of a mid gig amp fail. At £250 notes seems like good value. Apart from the look and price, not sure what the difference is between this and the Little Mark 250.
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361641806' post='1988746'] Is that what they call them now..? [/quote]
  6. Thanks Lozz. Might have a trip over to Coda in the week and check them out. Seems like you got your one for a good price.
  7. Lozz I'm tempted to get one, not just because I love P basses but more the weight. Do you think most of them come in at that sort of weight now? Was it from Coda?
  8. Sounds exciting, would love to do this. Unless you are very confident of the band being a long term thing, maybe something different at the twelve fret position would be a better plan. Your initials maybe? Anyway, keep us posted with pics and a build diary.
  9. I have in the past paid a fair bit for good quality japanese koi and mostly they have been with me long enough to be classified as vintage. Had a lovely Ogon that a mate imported for me, it was with me for 28 years. Bit like Fenders, the japanese ones are usually damn good. Haven't spent much money on Koi in recent years, my last purchase, a rather lovely Kohaku about ten years back. I've stopped buying Koi mags and don't go to near the koi dealerships anymore.
  10. Good day to you Dave. Welcome aboard, enjoy the site.
  11. I had one of these from new back in the 90's, seriously decent amp. Good luck with your sale.
  12. Nice review Mingsta. I did the same a few years back. I really loved my Trace rig but was finding it increasingly more difficult to lift it in and out of the car and in to venues etc. Ended up with the Shuttle 6 and a couple of Mark Bass 2 x 10's. So pleased that I did. Always get a sound that I like and don't end up flat out on the settee, with a hot water bottle on my back after every gig. A couple of times I've put a little blob of blu tack over the LED's, dulls them down just right
  13. What a a pain for you. It's a shame that a minority cause these sort of problems. Lets see if XXXX responds. Hope he does but I suspect he will not.
  14. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1361462530' post='1986069'] Back in the fold with this beauty! Lakland Bob Glaub with the fralin pickup. Best P I've ever owned and I've had a few. I know it's not a fender, but I don't care! [/quote] That is handsome, some lovely grain on show
  15. Good man WoT. Really enjoyed this thread, one of the positive and happy ones thankfully.
  16. I wasn't sure it was actually a Yamaha. I know there was a sticker on the bod saying Yamaha.
  17. Know what you mean. Well just enjoy it for as long as it is in your company then.
  18. Nice one Nick, take it this one is a keeper then?
  19. [quote name='geddeeee' timestamp='1361151811' post='1982026'] If you use lemon oil on any open grained fretboards it will eventually bow the neck. Lemon oil evaporates and will really dry out your fretboard. Use it and you will end up with serious problems. [/quote] I've yet to spot a bowed neck on any of the basses that I've used Lemon Oil on over the last twenty years or so
  20. Daz, I was hugely relieved to see Glen Tilbrook had lost the hideous beard but was very disappointed with the performance
  21. Good luck with it. My advice: Be there early or at least on time. Set up in an effecient manner. Tune up silently. Don't widdle about on your bass prior to start or between numbers. Like others have said, lock in with the drummer and just keep it solid. At an audition, they are more likely to be impressed if you make them sound good, rather than too much in the way of bass gymnastics
  22. We tend to go for the original recorded version.
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