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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I would happily date your imaginary sister if I didn't have a very real wife
  2. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1357931575' post='1930859'] Quite like them! Do wish Fender would be more inventive though, it's hardly groundbreaking. [/quote] Just be grateful that Leo did the groundbreaking bit for them sixty odd years back
  3. I think its all good Stuee but I haven't experienced any other octave pedals to make a comparison. I'm not really in to pedals/effects. Used it in a rehearsal a couple of weeks back for a couple of Muse numbers, it did sound good to me, even on some of the lower runs on the E string. Sorry, not the best technical appraisal
  4. gary mac


    Lovely job. Wouldn't mind getting the same body for my next project.
  5. [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1357818866' post='1928827'] If it was like 20 quid then MAYBE... eBay is like... Competitive! [/quote] Given that you are new to these parts you might not realise that these sort of comments are not wanted or appreciated and it is actually against the rules. I will respond by saying that the only one I can see on Ebay with a BIN is actually 99p dearer than mine.
  6. gary mac


    It's not possible, we do not allow people to leave.
  7. A trouble free transaction and immediate payment. A pleasure to deal with.
  8. Given what you have said, unless you really need the dosh, I would tend to avoid. There is bound to be another position available in the not too distant and maybe it will be a set more to your liking. I've been trying to get Stuck in the Middle, Mustang Sally and Brown Eyed Girl relegated to standby material but the thing is punters do request them, particularly at the social club type gigs. It's strange really, I play with a band of relative youngsters, yet they want to do all the old stuff and I keep suggesting the more modern stuff
  9. [quote name='Jarhead' timestamp='1357587742' post='1924995'] How's the distortion on this? [/quote] Works well.
  10. Yes I've done the same bought one from them for a jap body, perfect. Got to agree, they are good people to deal with.
  11. I've found kit with smaller dimensions to be so much better for the pub scene. Getting gear in and out of most pubs can be a total pain, the combination of doors, corridors and drunken twats always standing right in the place that makes it most difficult to pass. 8 x 10's are good for frightening the landlord though
  12. It has been pointed out to me that this bridge may not be a fender, as it has seven fixing holes as opposed to the usual five. So I will alter the title and the price. Should I charge extra given that there are two additional fixing points or reduce the price due to not being able to confirm the manufacturer? I'll go for a price drop. £11.00 inc. postage.
  13. gary mac


    A deal was struck, payment was immediate. A fine Bass Chatter and a pleasure to deal with. Recommended
  14. [quote name='Ruiner' timestamp='1357559835' post='1924364'] Is Flea renowned for his choice of badly set up instruments? Hasn't' he also used Musicman/Modulus/wal basses in his time? Does that mean they are inferior also? Confused. [/quote] and me
  15. Great work Nige, really enjoyed that. Found the vid very slightly distracting but that's probably down to watching at the the tail end of a migraine,
  16. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1357545203' post='1924130'] Yeah it's a shame, he was a good chap to have on here. [/quote] Agreed, miss quite a few of the old regulars on here. On the plus side, Mr. Discreet is amongst us again
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1357521379' post='1924068'] Dominant 7 chord with some or all of the following upper extensions - flat 9 (G), sharp 9 (A), sharp 11 © and flat 13 (D). Altered scale is the 7th mode from melodic minor scale and contains all the above alterations. [/quote] Newbies aren't allowed to have all this knowledge, it's just not fair. Now go away and start asking questions like "should I buy a jazz or a p"
  18. Nice bass, I sold it to Ikay last year. Bet it sounds so right with flats on.
  19. [quote name='Mark Dixon' timestamp='1357491046' post='1923412'] Woo hoo, I've done a deal with my brother, I've traded/bought back the other 4 Wals, just sat here staring at 6 Wal basses, I'm now a pig in the u know what.. [/quote] Glad that you are reunited. What a collection
  20. [quote name='TheRockinRoadie' timestamp='1357072728' post='1917238'] Looks really similar to mine - I just need the matching Headstock! Great taste [url="http://tinypic.com/usermedia.php?uo=TChd6DpwTVWbYma6nWwY%2B4h4l5k2TGxc"][/url] [/quote] Great taste indeed Sprayed up the headstock myself and quite pleased with the result.
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