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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. This is the site I mentioned before [url="http://www.bhefner.com/index.php"]http://www.bhefner.com/index.php[/url]
  2. Strangely for the last few years I've been planning the same sort of thing but with a P bass. Still hasn't happened though. One of the american sites (will search it out for you if you want it) does jazz and p bass bodies and one of the options is Walnut. I've thought about ordering from them but as yet haven't. Don't know of anyone doing them over here. Unless you buy one of the unfinished bodies and stain/oil it yourself. Keep us posted if you do get it started. Finally, pleased for you that things are back on track, that must have all been totally hideous.
  3. How weird that he wouldn't sell it back to you. I wonder why, you'd think he would just be pleased to have had a buyer and one that he had already had dealings with.
  4. I knew it had arrived but not sure I understand it's purpose but then I'm probably missing the bleedin' obvious Another nice bass from the man who seems to have an endless supply of very nice basses and is a gent to deal with.
  5. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1353762862' post='1878218'] Hertford Corn Exchange last night, supporting Neville Staple (ex-Specials). Have played there quite a few times and the sound has been very good, especially the foldback, but this time the sound check was rushed by the venue sound guy (not the one we usually have) and the on-stage sound was quite muddy and I struggled a bit at times and dropped a couple of clangers. Still, no one I spoke to afterwards mentioned it, so perhaps bass-player anonymity lives on! It was very much a reggae/ska evening, so we must have been brave or foolish to go on after a full-on reggae band that had got everyone dancing. Our brand of originals was definitely a big contrast but we didn't clear the floor and our one reggae/ska-ish song had everyone up and dancing. We also threw in a token cover - Time Is Tight - and our trombonist seemed to go down OK. We we were finished, the stage was cleared and Neville Staple's band set up their gear but didn't really soundcheck - just confirmed everything was working. They had their own sound guy and when they came on their sound was spot-on. So, a very enjoyable evening and I think we were "OK" but there's no doubt that we were very much in the shadow of the two other far more accomplished bands. A great experience for us though. [/quote] Played there a couple of times myself and been in the audience a few times and each time the bass has sounded awful to me both on the stage and out front. Surprisingly the only decent bass sound I've heard there was from my daughter, playing her budget model Ibanez.. P basses seem to all sound muffled and orrid.
  6. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1353501687' post='1875224'] Yes, but what was the 'issue'? Was it a hoax? Or was there a genuine malware problem? In which case everyone effected/infected will need to take measures... such as (my preference) reinstalling an older drive image... assuming of course, it's not too late. Any info from those in the know would be appreciated. [/quote] Yes I've been worrying about this as well.
  7. [quote name='The Bass Doc' timestamp='1353341772' post='1873902'] OK I'm back on line now! Finally got rid of the builders so I will catch up with all outstanding jobs H. [/quote] Welcome back Doc.
  8. Progtastic mate. Like it, a fine effort
  9. made my toes curl reading your tale of woe. Wish you well matey.
  10. Looks good in the new colour. I've seen this bass somewhere recently but can't think where, here or ebay I guess. so what now then Luke, keep as it is or another respray?
  11. Not sure what to say really. If it works for you, then great. If you are stressing, then downsize, unless you really need that size of rig for the venues you are playing. Personally I'm happy with a little class D amp, a couple of mark bass cabs and a P bass. Works for my pub gigs and occassional wedding/function type. Never found my set up to be under powered or lacking and no more back ache, so its all good.
  12. Good man to deal with, bought my mark bass cab. Paid when he said he would and all went smoothly. I would happily trade with Alec again.
  13. Got to agree, she does indeed look a beauty.
  14. Yes that looks the business and an excellent ad/pics. Good luck with your sale.
  15. Sadly I've been around far too long then, picked up a bass in 1973
  16. I do this number with the current band. Took me awhile to get to grips with it but persevered mostly by ear. Have to admit that although I don;t like resorting to the tab sites, I did because I had to learn a whole set list a bit sharpish. If no one comes along to help, let me know and I will attempt to tab it for you.
  17. Having just purchased some strap locks from Paul, thought I ought to start a feedback thread for him. decent price, good communication and rapid delivery, just the way it should be. Happy to say, recommended
  18. Like JTUK I wouldn't normally be one to advocate resigning by email, however, earlier this year I did just that. My reason at the time was that, we had already had many band discussions covering all the usual issues: volume, song choice, timing etc. It became increasingly obvious that speaking was a waste of time, as nothing seemed to get resolved. The final straw for me was after selecting and agreeing on three songs each to add to the set list. At the next rehearsal the singer had learnt his three. The guitarist had learnt none. I had learnt all of them. As talking seemed to be a waste of time, the following day I resigned by email. In conclusion: If you suspect you are wasting your time, resign by whatever method will get through to them
  19. That's a depressingly expense mistake you made there. Have really got any advice but wanted to express some sympathy Assuming they have made the correct diagnosis, I guess some research might be worthwhile, to find the cost of the module and then you would be in a position to get quotes to have it installed by someone else.
  20. If you are trying to sell this, it needs a price and moving to the correct forum.
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