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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1347563808' post='1802566'] Why do you not just sell the thing and pick up something else? [/quote] And for the sake of our sanity get the shop to set it up for you
  2. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1347447610' post='1800845'] BTW, If you live anywhere near Herts, Beds or Bucks, they could be playing at a pub near you soon!!! [/quote] This was why I asked you to pm me their name, so that I could avoid the trauma of seeing them or getting fooled in to auditioning for them
  3. Well done the Brig and welcome to the world of the delusionals . I've come to realise over the last few years that they are quite a common beast. On the plus side, you've learnt a whole load of new tunes and at least know that you can come up with the goods at short notice. Can't believe you also had to pay. Given that we are in the same neck of the woods, please pm me their name, so that I don't fall in to their trap.
  4. Whether I did them quickly or otherwise, they would notice, Not just because my singing voice is hideous but there would also be no bass as I can't multi task .
  5. Thanks Paddy. Will get back to you tomorrow but will understand if I'm too late. Cheers
  6. Hi. What would you be looking at for the body only, Including post to hertfordshire? thanks Pm me if you prefer
  7. Hi Moosh. I almost fit the bill apart from the backing vocals . I know a fair bit of the set and like most of it. Best of luck with your move and finding a suitable replacement.
  8. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1347297901' post='1799011'] Paisley Freight [url="http://www.paisleyfreight.com/"]http://www.paisleyfreight.com/[/url] [/quote] I like Paisleyfreight and have used them a couple of times. But last time I attempted to use them to courier a bass, they refused to insure.
  9. Another cracker from your collection Si, lovely. No spare dosh unless I sell the P bass
  10. Welcome back. Unlike you, for the past year or so I've been on here everyday. (Must get out more)
  11. You'd think that given how diificult things have been in recent years for most small businesses, that he would do everything possible to make a new customer happy. Is Stevenage in Herts too far from your neck of the woods? There is a very good chap over there.
  12. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1347006495' post='1795816'] OK I think this is getting a bit out of hand. I appreciate you just want some help, and lots of people are chipping in and trying to help, but perhaps it is not the help that you need. Wishface, it seems the two issues at play (besides the cheapness of the bass) are that you don't have the money to get this sorted by somebody else, and you don't have the knowledge/time to sort it yourself, is that right? It looks like the thing to try at this stage is a new set of strings before we go any further, its a simple job to replace the strings, but as you say you can't afford them. PM me your address Wishface (click on my name and send me a private message), I will send you a brand new set of Rotosound strings I have here on the shelf. That way, you can rule out the strings being the issue and we can go from there, step by step until we help you get your bass working the way you want it. Trust us when we say you CAN approximate a silk purse out of a sow's ear with the right knowledge and tools, and we are all here to help you do that, really. [/quote] What a fine chap, good on yer
  13. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1347004139' post='1795786'] Oh God, I'm having flashbacks to the urology department! [/quote]
  14. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1346934526' post='1794978'] Looks like an adjustable spanner [/quote] If Fred Flintstone were to be depicted with a bass, this would be exactly right
  15. I think Bedouin Soundclash are Canadian, their bass player gets a decent groove going
  16. When I've been in your situation, I've asked them what they require/would like. Best of luck with it.
  17. Some people believe that the pots do affect tone, I'm not one of them Worth using quality ones though for longevity and performance. Check out CTS or maybe if you want to keep it original find some vintage ones that aren't knackered or get your existing ones refurbed with new parts inside but keeping the old original casings.
  18. Sorry to hear of your woes. There are some orrid thieving scumbags in this world. Hope you get it back mate.
  19. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1346586755' post='1790806'] Not sure about a drop-in replacement but as a backstop you could send a tracing of (or the original pickguard) to Howard the Bass Doc and he will make you a top quality replacement [/quote] Was about to suggest the same There are quite a few variations with the Squier/Fender pguards. The last one I took a chance on and purchased online had to be sent back as it didnt fit. Howard is your man.
  20. [list] [*]Nice one, hope it works out for you [/list]
  21. Plenty of advice already given, so I'll just say good luck and enjoy it
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