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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Hi Pete. I'm not much of an amp expert but I do gig with a Shuttle 6. I've been very happy with it's performance. I usually aim for a fairly clean sound and it always delivers. I'm using Mark Bass cabs though, which I think are voiced very differently to Hartke. Given the different cabs it''s probably irrelevant to you what my settings are. Surprised they haven't got back to you. I think the company is owned by Fender these days, don't know if that has any bearing on it. It might be worh you paying a visit to the Talk Bass Forum as one of the Genz designers is a member on there and always seems willing to answer any technical questions.
  2. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1338024568' post='1668721'] As soon as I've finished washing my smalls, I'll be on my way. Can't wait, looks lovely out [/quote] You sure it looks lovely out? I'm sure the girls won't agree. Get those smalls back on
  3. Won't be joining you, as I'm a bit below par and confined to quarters. also the addition of a severe migraine yesterday and has left me feeling very fragile today. Hope you all have a splendid time.
  4. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1337702441' post='1664249'] Markbass and Genz Benz are probably the best bet for ANY style of music (as in of you want a very clean pure tone) because add a pedal in, like the VT Bass, and you have instant rock tone. Turn it off, and you have a very crisp pure bass tone. [/quote] Which is one of the reasons that I settled on the Genz Shuttle 6 and two Mark Bass 2 x 10"s. I have used this set up with a Classic Rock band, an Indie Rock band, Function band, doing country stuff and a Pub Pop/Funk/Rock band. With a bit of eq tweeking it has worked very well in each setting.
  5. Yes, Dave cables are certainly quality.
  6. My lovely wife recently treated me to the Kinsman folding stool/stand. Think she got it on Amazon about £25. Really impressed with it, well built and comfortable, with the added bonus of doubling up as a stand.
  7. Don't believe all of the self penned hype from some of the bands on Join my band. The reality is, that an awful lot of them aren't quite as good as they like to think they are. Make contact and sound them out. If you fancy it, go along. Or open mic nights. Good luck P.S. Have a hug
  8. Law of Sod at work again Clarky, feel your pain though mate.
  9. With the rock band that I've just left, it was Can't get Enough. With the other band its a song by Sia
  10. I'm glad to say that my enthusiasm is still greater than my ability. And I'll be happy for it to stay that way
  11. Would you accept £100 for the pair. I promise to not try and knock down the price further when I collect
  12. Good news, go annoy the neighbours
  13. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1337420539' post='1659582'] I know where you're coming from on this one Gary, but everybody was a newbie once-upon-a-time. I think that a lot of active basschatters initially join the forum in order to buy or sell and then stick around when they find out what a great place it is. But obviously if someone's not got any feedback the risk factor goes up. [/quote] that was my sentiment exactly "everybody was a newbie once" and so I treated them exactly as I would a long term regular BC'er and for my courtesy I was right royally mucked about a number of times. I'm happy for people to make an enquiry and then maybe not respond further but when a price is agreed, directions are given and you stay in waiting for the buyer who then doesn't show . Anyway such is life and fortunately the greater majority of the Bass Chat crew are splendid
  14. Just purchased a nearly new Squier VMP on the forum. I've decided to use the body for a project and so the neck is for sale. C shape. Radius is 9.5". Nut width 42.3 mm. Almost perfect condition, although there are a couple of slight imperfections on the fretboard, up the very dusty end, just past the last fret, not bad enough to show up in pics and hard to spot, particularly when the strings are on. Headstock is perfect and blemish free as are the back and sides of the neck. [attachment=108243:029.JPG][attachment=108244:034.JPG] [attachment=108245:033.JPG][attachment=108246:030.JPG If any more info is required or additional pics needed then get in touch. £80.00 plus post or come on round and collect and have a coffee. I can accept pay pal but would rather not due to the fees. Bank transfer or cash preferred.
  15. I experienced a fair bit of it earlier in the year when selling on here. A pattern emerged that put me right off dealing with newbies.
  16. Are you talking Bass chatters or buyers from elsewhere?
  17. Had the pleasure of meeting Pete yesterday, when he put himself out and personally delivered the VM P bass that I had purchased from him. An honest, reliable Bass Chatter, even took his shoes off in respect to our light coloured carpet. Recommended.
  18. this one has been on my watch list for a few days. Can't afford another one at the moment but always watching just in case. Even been reliced by a singer biting it!
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