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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. That is an extremely pleasing instrument to look at Gareth. I fear the GAS monster is stirring
  2. I'm happy to help. A fair few gigs/rehearsals and auditions coming up. For the past few years I've gone away from combos but there have been a few occassions of late when a combo would have been ideal.
  3. I feel the same really. Maybe it's an age thing, I know I found myself feeling the same about the angling mags that I had loved for years. Why do they in BGM mark the expensive basses with a minus? Really gets me wound up. The price isn't the minus, the minus would be, if it wasn't worth the money or there was something wrong with the design/build. BGM can't of course keep us all happy all of the time but not many of us seem to like the pages of interviews with the unknowns talking about whether they slap or not. pick or fingers etc. And three 6 string reviews in one edition.
  4. Ikay explained it so much better than me. Good man
  5. Lovely but have a slapped wrist for not lovingly dusting the body of the El toro prior to the photo session. Got to agree, they certainly cut through, the pups seem hugely powerful.
  6. Given that you have access to the right kit, so long as you are reasonably competent and can measure accurately, then go for it.
  7. I've noticed and become increasingly irritated in recent weeks about the plethora of AWESOME ads. Bad enough when trawling around on Ebay but now they are on here as well, my irritation level has reached an all time awesome high.
  8. I think the answer is to just experiment. If you get them too high you will notice some strange sounds and possibly strings hitting the pole pieces, Too low you will lose volume.
  9. think that's the smallest pic I've encountered on here. I've made my eyes water trying to see it, looking forward to seeing a decent size one when you get it sorted. I'm local to you but most of my instruments are P basses so nothing to trade.
  10. Yes, what jay said really. My one, that you can see over to the left is a superb instrument but I mostly just use the p pick up because it sounds like a p bass then and that's what I like I've never been convinced about additional pick ups on P basses. the blurb in the ads will say something along the lines of "the best of both worlds, dial in the bridge pup and it will sound like a jazz or switch to the front and it's a P." Thing is for me, it doesn't. A jazz sounds like a jazz in part because of the TWO jazz pups. Yes it adds something but it doesn't sound like a jazz to me.
  11. That Jap one looks very handsome to me. I recently had a play on one of these and it was very good, certainly nowt wrong with bridge or electrics. Have you actually played either model? Our opinions, although valid, are just that. If I were trying to make the decision, I think top of the list of my priorities would have to be, to play them both. Good luck and let us know
  12. Like the look of that and the first one you built. Looking forward to seeing this progress. Don't know about the neck question but sure someone who does will be along soon.
  13. Not got much experience with flats but have just strung my P bass up with a set of D'Addario Chromes. Very pleased, plenty of oomph and to my ears a decent level of brightness.
  14. A pleasure to deal with, no hassle, no problems. Recommended.
  15. Maybe agree to do it but more like the original Northern Soul style, far more manly
  16. Well done Mark. Good luck with the loaners
  17. Don't think I could ever be tempted back to Minehead Butlins again, even with that line up. Does sound good though
  18. Yowza, He was a chap who could lay down a serious groove.
  19. [sub]Thanks enjoyed that. might have to go and listen to the whole album tonight[/sub]
  20. What about strings? Can make a huge difference to the sound and feel and might be a most cost effective upgrade
  21. Hope you get over this and get your gear back.
  22. That is light for for a VMJ, you wont have any problem shifting this one. I had to stop playing my VMJ because of shoulder/neck problems. Then I discovered that I could gig my deluxe p bass, which is heavier without the pain. So guess it must have been something to do with the way the Jazz hangs and the off set shape. Might get another Jazz one day for those sitting down gigs
  23. [quote name='slobluesine' timestamp='1335516813' post='1632365'] thx gary mac [/quote] No problem. Howard made me a single ply black p/g for my G&L.
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