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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. No I havent but did see some T.V,. footage recently and that was the reason that I won't be going. Shame though, bet it cost you a few bob too.
  2. Supplied Tom with a bridge. A pleasure to deal with and good communication all the way.
  3. Being the other side of fifty, I always feel a bit of a buffoon playing Teenage Kicks.
  4. DR Strings are extremely good. There was a thread on here recently about some duff ones doing the rounds though. I've got the Highbeams on a couple of my basses and really like them. Got to agree with earlier posts, a good set up and decent strings is a good starting point.
  5. Hope it works out for you, sounds like a good plan.
  6. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1332198193' post='1584840'] I think I'm gravitating towards an ebony one. I had an original '56 P-Bass a few years back, and that had a black painted maple finger rest on it. I miss that bass, still can't believe I gave it away!!! [/quote] you GAVE IT AWAY, I can't believe it either Kev, you must be a truly generous, lovely individual or you were suffering some serious senior moment.
  7. I've purchased from him and it was all good.
  8. Can't advise you but I'll shall watch this thread with interest. I'm still knackered and nursing a sore back, following the load in and out from saturday nights gig.
  9. Can understand not everyone liking the Precision but WTF is all this nonsense about them only being able to generate a thud?
  10. I'm not in the market for one at the mo but that it is really nice. Still miss my BB1200 from the same era. A good luck with your sale bump
  11. Looks like it's off to EBay then. Was hoping it would find a home with a Bass Chatter, but I'm not willing to drop the price any further. So, a final bump.
  12. I've used this seller [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Clear-GLOSS-Nitrocellulose-Nitro-Guitar-Lacquer-400ml-Aerosol-Vintage-Finish-/190575441601?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2c5f2e76c1"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Clear-GLOSS-Nitrocellulose-Nitro-Guitar-Lacquer-400ml-Aerosol-Vintage-Finish-/190575441601?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item2c5f2e76c1[/url] Don't know if they are the cheapest but the service and products are very good.
  13. You need to get that one back Mark, they just look so right together.
  14. Sold Mickey my little Peavey combo. Great to deal with, a nice smooth, easy transaction and the money was in my account pronto.
  15. I was covering on bass in my daughters band at the White Swan, Hoddesdon. Turned out to be a good un. First gig with a new guitarist. The crowd seemed to like it, with a largish haggle of girls dancing to most of the second and third sets. I had a wobbly moment during the solo section of Lenny Kravitz's Go My Way, but gave my brain a few beats to catch up, got back on try and finished at the right time. Other than that it was all pretty good. I really really hate the load in and out, particularly the out at this venue, well most pubs actually. Looks like I'm on maternity cover/bass duties for the foreseeable with this lot, but it is fun and not much in the way of Dad rock in the set .
  16. I've decided that if this doesn't sell by sunday, then it's off to EBay.
  17. I thought the Gibson man looked very shifty and appeared to be lying like a cheap rug. That might just have been his manner though and I could be treating him far too harshly.
  18. These days I don't get GAS for rigs, probably because I have found what I consider to be a keeper. I do think about getting a spare amp head, mostly as I'm fearful of a failure mid gig. I do carry an MXR M80 DI pedal though, so at a push could go through the PA. My rig is: GB Shuttle 6 Two 2 x 10" Markbass Cabs.
  19. Good man, that didn't take long, not exactly the longest "taking stock". Chuffed for you.
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