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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squire-precision-Bass-Vintage-road-worn-Squier-relic-custom-shop-jazz-/270882384350?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f11d929de"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squire-precision-Bass-Vintage-road-worn-Squier-relic-custom-shop-jazz-/270882384350?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f11d929de[/url]
  2. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1325089783' post='1479726'] Looks like I'm the first to say 'OBBM'! [/quote] seconded
  3. Properly reliced. Whats the story with this one, do you know?
  4. Nice choice Paul. Got love Stevie and the packet of three. Saw them a few times in a pub down Finchley way.
  5. I haven't had my sweet sherry as yet, so dont feel able to join in.
  6. A gent to deal with and a good, prompt payer.
  7. [i]Bet you must have the severe hump today, thieving bastids. [/i] [i]Really hope you get them back[/i]
  8. Sorry for your loss mate. There are some truly miserable gits about.
  9. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1324134539' post='1471181'] Much spookiness , there is a thread near the bottom of this page [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220902564206?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1423.l2649[/url] [/quote] Yes, thought I had seen this one before. the old loft thing is just so tedious, suppose it's the musical equivalent of the motor trades "one careful lady owner", which also sets alarm bells ringing for me.
  10. Yet another fine job, very nice looker
  11. I had to learn this one recently. Haven't got my bass to hand at the mo but I think on the A chord I play the root then 4th 3rd 2nd (A, D, Csharp, . Hope that makes some sense. It's a good fun number to play and seems to go down quite well in the pubs.
  12. There are a number of different gauges of fret wire. Can't imagine the gauge would cause you pain and suffering but who knows. More likely to be the neck dimensions I would imagine. For example: these days a jazz bass is very uncomfortable for me to play, whereas the chunkier neck of my P basses are just fine. If possible get yourself to a shop with a decent stock and test drive a few.
  13. Thanks Nige. Yes it was great to see her with the band. She enjoyed but was exhausted by the end of first set. It's her birthday today, so a good weekend all in all.
  14. Good luck with the sale. Sorry you are having to do it, what a git, thought I recalled that the RA had improved for you in recent times. Best wishes.
  15. Indeed, especially when it's only a mile from home
  16. 17 Watts by Mo Foster is a fine read. + 1 for Guy Pratt
  17. Thanks. It went very well, with an enthusiastic audience and another booking.
  18. gary mac


    I've got one of these Jap necks of the same sort of vintage, on my 58 bitsa. It's a truly lovely neck and far superior to a few of the USA ones that I've encountered.
  19. Tonight 9 pm kick off I'm on the subs bench and probably playing the second set and encore, if we get one!
  20. [i]Crackin' pair of tunes Clarky. Good work.[/i] [i]I'll hook the puter up to my hi fi tomorrow, so that I can hear it properly.[/i]
  21. [quote name='Netballman' timestamp='1323344660' post='1462170'] If it falls though can I be next in line please! [/quote] pm'd
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