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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1323279920' post='1461574'] Don't suppose you'd want to swap them for two Wizard 84 neck pick ups ? One in perfect condition, but one needs repairing. [/quote] Thanks Redstriper but think I'll give it a miss.
  2. Have a good 'un Nige. Gigging myself this weekend so won't be able to get there. Haven't been in The Silver Bullet since the late 70's, didn't realise it was now a music venue.
  3. Just did a search but can't find it now. You could try asking here [url="http://www.bassesbyleo.com/forum/index.php"]http://www.bassesbyleo.com/forum/index.php[/url]
  4. I'm sure I saw one of these bridges on ebay at the weekend. It may have been in the states, not sure but try a search.
  5. Dont know anything about this band or its personel but really like the music, got two of their albums on my i pod. Can't think of the track name but the one I really like is very much in the style of the Faces.
  6. Continuing with the Slade theme, have been running through Merry Christmas Everybody, in readiness for Friday nights depp with my daughters band.
  7. Nice one Tim and the band does sound rather good.
  8. [i]What a pleasing thing to behold............even if you didn't actually play it, it's a brilliant thing to share room space with.[/i]
  9. Wow .............that is certainly green Looking good though
  10. We rehearsed Highway Star last night in preparation for a gig this weekend. It was quite a workout but ultimately very enjoyable and slightly different from our usual brand of dad rock
  11. It looks very smart Scott and also very user friendly. I'm off out for a rehearsal in a few minutes so haven't got time for a thorough exploration but will return tomorrow.
  12. Sad indeed. Have Bass Chatters stopped posting in these threads?
  13. Would possibly work, although you are likely to find that the screw holes don't all line up. Not a huge problem but something to be aware of. Our very own "Bass Doc" would be yer man to make one.
  14. The wizards were a worthwhile upgrade. I suppose they gave the instrument a bigger, more powerful sound. The bass was certainly good enough to gig with the seymour pups though.
  15. Yes I suppose they are one of the vintage mods. I don't know how they compare to the standard squier pick ups as that was the only Squier Jazz I have owned. My feeling was that they were good, certainly not thin/weedy sounding as can be the case. I swapped them out not because there was anything wrong with them but rather because I wanted to hear what a set of Wizard pups would sound like. There are a fair few bass chatters who own the Squier VMJ and probably with the stock pups, it might be worth asking for their opinions in the relevant forum. All the best, Gary
  16. Taken from a Squier Vintage Modified Jazz. Hardly used as they were removed soon after purchase and have sat in my parts drawer awaiting a project. £22.00 inc postage.
  17. Not recent but I went to see them at the Rainbow in Finsbury Park London back in '73 (I think). Supported by Nazareth. I remember when we left the venue some marauding skin heads took exception to our loon pants and fisty cuffs ensued. Happy daze
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