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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='jackers' timestamp='1322337914' post='1449683'] if my aerodyne sells soon, then I will be contacting you about this, it is a beautiful bass [/quote] Thanks, that would be good, will tell my daughter.
  2. Bumping this up prior to my daughter taking advantage of a free listing day on ebay tomorrow.
  3. That's really excellent news, chuffed for you.
  4. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1322252079' post='1448734'] PMed. Gary - I've got a Ryder bass in translucent blue that I'd be looking to to swap for this body - you can see the grain somewhat on that if you want to get an idea. [/quote] Thanks for that Ancient,
  5. Hi Wayne. Been after a P bass body. I want to go for a walnut finish, so need one with a decent grain. Do you reckon your one would fit the bill. I know it's not expensive but don't want to go to all the effort of removing the paint to find it's not suitable. All the best, Gary
  6. Ben, I thought the mag was just fine. No prob with reviews on lefties or righties but couldn't help feel that the pics of the lefties were the wrong way round
  7. Have just sold Dave an Orange combo, a real gent and a pleasure to deal with.
  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1322118907' post='1446611'] However... there are some necks/woods that react more slowly and over a greater period of time. If you need to go much past a half turn between set-ups then you are moving the neck a fair bit. If the neck was a slow mover and you crank it 1/2 to full turn you might find that initially you get the reaction that you want BUT 24hrs (or more) later the neck has moved even further and you have to adjust it back. I'm not saying that you are wrong and I certainly don't subscribe to a 1/4 turn then leave it 24hrs, as I'll tweak it a 1/2 turn or so but much past that and if it is a new bass to me then I'll leave it sitting a while with the strings up to tension before I have another look. [/quote] Yes you are right, I should have expanded my answer a bit, but it was late and my bed was calling.
  9. For me the feel of Bass Chat has certainly changed in recent times and not for the better. Ironically I guess it's due to it's success and growth. I still enjoy and visit every day though. I've found selling on here of late a real trial, mostly due to dealing with newbies. It has been time consuming, tedious and ultimately a frustrating waste of time. Shame really as I feel very reluctant now to deal with new comers, which is probably not very fair. Still think the owners and mods do a sterling job and I dont want to cause any offence to them.
  10. I actually think the quarter turn and leave it twenty four hours is nonsense. If it needs a quarter turn then fine but if it needs a half turn or more, then that's what it needs.
  11. many of horror, Biffy Clyro and some old Robin Trower number that the guitarist wants to do
  12. Cue many posts of differing opini :)ns, which is no bad thing but doesn't always help with your final decision. Anyway, for me it's DR Highbeams if I'm going for rounds. Others have reported problems with them in recent months though, although I haven't had any issues. There you go, see what I mean?
  13. Nice one Marvin, glad to hear you have found yourself a band
  14. a pre ebay and fed up with newbies who don't bother to turn up bump
  15. a pre ebay and fed up with newbies saying they want it and then leaving me hanging bump
  16. I was considering getting one for a P bass project. I missed out on the last one he had. I've had some corespondance with the seller and he seems ok. I hadn't noticed the lack of first fret marker, but don't think it would put me off
  17. I doubt it's anything to do with needing a damp course, much more likely to be a condensation/ventilation issue. As others have said keep some back ground heat and ventilation.
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