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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. That is lovely, can certainly see why you wanted to take that one home with you.
  2. Looking good. What's your opinion of the neck? I've been thinking about trying one for my next project.
  3. The Haynes book on Fender basses, covers wiring and maintenance etc. with a number of case studies and decents pics
  4. Looks like a good 'un Dave. Where did you find it? Are you planning to return it to stock fittings or leave it alone.
  5. Can't offer a tab, but from memory isn't it just a three chord jobbie. Haven't got my bass to hand but think it's C F G. Most of their songs are very simple and yet very catchy
  6. Be interesting to see if it goes. Maybe someone out there will be excited enough by the hype
  7. Just got back from a short holiday and it's all changed. Looking good though
  8. Sorry can't help you, haven't got time to dig out the disc and play it this morning cos off on a holiday in a couple of hours. Good choice of song though. What a great songwriting team. Anyway good luck with it.
  9. Thanks to John my 75 P bass is now crackle free. A true gent of our forum.
  10. That is a seriously nice collection. How about a G&L for a complete set Leo's creations.
  11. A quick update. thanks to Kiogon the input socket is now sorted and I'm enjoying a crackle free bass.
  12. Good for you, well done. Hope it goes well
  13. Wouldn't you be better off offering the P bass on here?
  14. Morning Bob. Sorry don't think they can afford it at the mo. Best of luck with the sale, the very least I can do is give you a bump.
  15. I voted : maybe if I knew the player. But if I didn't know the player then it would be a no. Although I know I would end up feeling guilty and uncharitable. I find find myself these days not giving people the benefit of the doubt. I assume they are cretins until they have proved otherwise.
  16. That looks good H. I'm guessing you needed to delete some old pics.
  17. Nice one GW. that is one handsome Jazz.
  18. A few more pics would be great.
  19. So is your Dad a bass man or just a Dad with very good eye for nice instruments?
  20. Hi Bob. I told her about the monitor, she said she would discuss with band mates and get back to me. I'll let you know if there is any interest, meanwhile if you get any offers then grab them
  21. If I could afford it, I would certainly be interested. There's a bass with some gigs under it's belt. Good luck with the sale. Might be worth doing a few more pics of the internal gubbins and so on.
  22. That decal doesn't loook right does it? Think I would avoid. There will be some more knowledgable BC'eers along soon I should think.
  23. Have you tried [url="http://www.bassesbyleo.com/forum/index.php"]http://www.bassesbyleo.com/forum/index.php[/url]
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