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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. That looks mighty fine John. Glad it was a happy ending.
  2. Another good bit of work from Howard. Hassle free transaction and super fast.
  3. Seems a bit strange that he told you a new pre amp wouold be a cheaper fix than a new pot. If you are confident with the soldering have a go. A new pot is a low cost item really. It will give you a chance to have a good tidy up and sort out the dodgy soldering already present.
  4. I do the same GW and feel so much better for having now come out about it
  5. What a spectacular transformation, looks totally lovely.
  6. Was going to post something but all of a sudden there seems so little point.
  7. That's the type of shopping trip that I could enjoy, as opposed to being dragged around countless clothes shops by the good wife. Thunderbird looks so rock n roll.
  8. Sorry John, can't remember and I haven't got the bass to hand at the moment. I can borrow it from my daughter at some point to check but not for a day or so.
  9. That's a real looker, good luck with the sale. Maybe you need to get a bit more wordy and sing it's praises some. Bit of detail on the spec etc.
  10. I purchased one off of them for my recent p bass bitsa. The quality is good enough for the price and delivery was prompt. Mine was not going on a mex though so can't help you with that aspect. I had to drill a couple of fresh holes. The fit was all good around the pups, controls and neck plate. All in all I was happy with the purchase.
  11. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1339424' date='Aug 14 2011, 11:01 AM']I have a feeling they might be Fenders (especially if they are quite high tension). Checkout the Status Hotwires, they're a whole different kettle of fish and not too pricey.[/quote] Thanks for the info Rich
  12. I've only very recently had my first experience with flats. My latest purchase, a 75 P bass is strung with them, don't know what make but they have a blue winding. I love the smoothness and feel under the fingers, can't comment on the sound as I haven't gigged it yet.
  13. Yes I had that one on my watch list. looks good. Report back to us once to get your hands on it. hope it's a good un.
  14. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1337127' date='Aug 11 2011, 11:20 PM']The 3rd and 5th frets will need sorting under the E and A then. [/quote]
  15. Some people eh? I'm sure a sensible BC'er will be along soon to take it off your hands. I pimped an affinity earlier in the year and it turned out to be a very pleasing instrument.
  16. Chris, I can thoroughly recommend a trip to Antigua. For the sake of research it is essential to immerse yourself in to the whole vibe. Skin up a large doobie and chill mon. Maybe we ought to arrange a Carribean Bass Bash out there. So many advantages, not least that no one would feel the need to slap
  17. Stash your cash until the GAS returns, you know it's never all that far away
  18. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='1332513' date='Aug 8 2011, 06:28 PM']Nice, that's going to get people to like you. You say image is essential- maybe you ought to sort out your own personal image to people who may potentially want you in their band.[/quote] Let's hope it was just a case of something getting lost in the translation
  19. my latest P purchase: [attachment=86525:007.JPG][attachment=86524:001.JPG] and it's very very nice
  20. [quote name='Immo' post='1331868' date='Aug 8 2011, 11:36 AM'] My P. 93' Custom P-Bass MiJ with Seymour Duncan "Lightnin' Rod" PU.[/quote] Unusual and very eye catching
  21. My first gig with the band that I've only very recently joined. A pub with the quaint sounding name of The Poplar Kitten, I should have known though that Harlow doest do quaint. Quite a nerve wracking one for me as I had to learn most of the set in short time. A few fluffed notes but mostly got through it ok, although very embaressingly I mucked up in the solo on Led Zepps Rock n Roll. Like Walman said, it's amazing how you can play along at home to the recordings note perfect and then cock up with the band. All things considered it went pretty well, a fair few compliments from the audience members sober enough to speak and we got invited back. Roll on next week, The Punch House in Ware.
  22. I'm all spent out but that is one lovely looking bass. Good luck with your sale
  23. gary mac

    That Ric Sound

    Chris Squire sounds like Chris Squire whether playing a ric or a fender jazz. I'm sure there was a clip on here a while back showing him playing a jazz.
  24. I've bought them from an ebayer seller a couple of times, for around about the price you mentioned. Haven't seen him on the bay in a while. I found them to be fine and for the price I had absolutely no complaint.
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