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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Howard has just made me a pickguard for my G&L. Excellent quality, very prompt service and saved me a goodly ammount of cash. Highly recommended
  2. Not a good day for you then. Wish you and the hound well mate.
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1316110' date='Jul 25 2011, 07:15 PM'][/quote] That's how golfers should dress, good man. None of those dodgy cardigans and strides.
  4. I have an American Deluxe (as seen on the left). It's a very versatile and powerful instrument. I can't think of anything negative to say about it really, it's all good. Having said that my only issue would be the lack of a passive/active switch. Although it has never happened, I have a fear of battery failure mid gig. Nothing wrong with the standard models though, mostly these days I gig my bitsa 58, which is passive of course.
  5. In your original poat you mentioned about root/fifths. I would agree that it can be very boring but it can actually be a good exercise in discipline and give you the opportunity to not only lock in with the drummer but also give you chance to concentrate on what the other instruments are doing. A bass player who locks in with the drums and plays what is needed for the song, even if it happens to be a root/fifth line will always, in my opinion be more impressive than an overly busy player who sacrifices the groove. Don't give up on the bass, it seems like you have the talent and are just suffering a bit of uncertainty concerning your abilities. Good luck with it.
  6. gary mac


    That does look tasty. Know what you mean about the dome topped knobs, they just somehow look a bit cheap and nasty. Changed the ones on my recent Squier project for proper fender flat top ones.
  7. Can't get down to Surrey this weekend, but wanted to wish you luck
  8. Any bass chatters going along? My daughter is on bass with the opening (I think) act. I'll be the proud old wrinkly in the mosh pit
  9. [quote name='Clarky' post='1313229' date='Jul 22 2011, 08:55 PM']Its all swings and roundabouts. A Stingray makes you play better, a Jazz improves your IQ and a Precision increasres penis length[/quote] I played a guest slot at a gig last night on a Ric, that's one bass that certainly doesn't make me play better. I had to dumb down with my playing and keep it very simple. Love the look but just find them so uncomfortable and awkward. So yes: I feel that some basses certainly make me play better and some, not.
  10. It's a technique/sound that I think suits some numbers very well, so yes I play that way ocassionally.
  11. Lovely. If I hadn't just had a spend up I would be tempted. Top man to deal with as well.
  12. Did a depp saturday night for Mice With Glasses, a band that I really enjoy playing with. A private function/garden party in a very plush pile in the sticks. We got fed and watered and then played a set that went down very well. Because there were a lot of party goers dancing, the break was abandoned and we played right through the set and then a half hour encore as requested. The only mistake I made was putting my ear plugs in my jacket pocket prior to playing and then taking it off and sticking it behind my rig as we went on. The pace didn't let up and with no breaks I couldn't retrieve them. So seriously buzzy ears for the last couple of days. My bitsa P bass sounded pretty fine.
  13. [quote name='the_skezz' post='1308640' date='Jul 18 2011, 11:38 PM']Pretty fantastic, despite the major setback of the guitarist breaking a string and not having any spares on him ¬¬ It took him ten minutes to track down another guitar to lend, during which time me and the drummer jammed our way through various genres of music - improv being something we've never done before - in the middle of a punk set That said, apparently one person told my friend that the guitarist ought to go offstage more often, so I'm not sure how to take that feedback [/quote] A guitarist without spare strings? you most certainly need to have a word.
  14. Nice job, that looks pretty damn tasty.
  15. I've used this seller [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nitrocellulose-Lacquer-Aerosol-Clear-GLOSS-SATIN-/190494038748?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c5a545adc"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nitrocellulose-Lacqu...=item2c5a545adc[/url] Don't know it it's what you would call cheap but the service and products are excellent.
  16. Angie, that's the same supplier that I used for the pickguard. I guess I was just lucky in that the fit was very good, no filing/sanding necessary. I did have to fill most of the existing screw holes and re-drill though.
  17. Thoroughly recommended. Simon took the worry, and hassle out of finding a lovely 75 Fender P. Answered all my questions and always replied promptly to pms/emails. Sourced it, got it imported and delivered to my door in very quick time. Great Bass Chatter to deal with.
  18. [quote name='TRBboy' post='1300475' date='Jul 11 2011, 11:39 PM']Thanks for all the thoughts guys. I'm kind of surprised that the bias seems to be toward keeping it at the moment! The trouble is I can't really afford to keep it if it's not earning its keep! I still have my first bass, a crappy squier P which I painted metallic purple! That's worth about 1% of piss-all so I'll never sell it. My jazz would hopefully be worth at least £600 - £650, so I could really use that money to buy something else. I guess I've got lots and lots of fond memories of my jazz, and they'll stay with me forever. Do I need to look at it now and then too? I don't know..... Gwilym - I'm very interested to hear that about the Ken Taylor! I've never come across one in the flesh, but my Basic is AWESOME and the mass of extra tones on offer would be great. Plus, I'm a sucker for the Virgin White one with black hardware.......... [/quote] Think you've supplied the answer in your third sentence, no sentimentality going on there
  19. I had the same problem in my younger days, although I didn't have to pay for my strings so it wasn't too much of a worry. I always had a can of anti perspirant in the gig bag and would give the fingers a blast just prior to playing. Worked a treat but I'm betting someone will be along to say that it's probably not a good idea
  20. Oh lordy. Just love those block inlays, the four stringer I played at the Bass Merchant had them as well. The rest of it aint so bad either
  21. Good work Sam. Glad to hear you're enjoying some pain free time with the RA.
  22. [quote name='lojo' post='1298735' date='Jul 10 2011, 07:25 AM']If you saw the set list I have for a Dep gig next sat I guess you could call that a low point, i'm doing it to help out friends[/quote] Had a few of those over the years. But the set list for the dep next week is one I'm really looking forward to. All I need to do now is learn it.
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