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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Gareth, you do have some cracking basses.
  2. Lovely. But 13 - 15 lbs might be worth getting it weighed properly, as I'm sure that would put buyers off even though it looks so good. Good luck with the sale though and apologies if you think I'm an interfeering git.
  3. Yes it's lovely when summer arrives, although it seems to have departed these shores today. Make the most of it over there.
  4. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='1257562' date='Jun 5 2011, 06:22 PM']Thanks. It wasn't that I thought it a fake, just that they might be selling it as something it is not.[/quote] Not trying to be argumentative but wouldn't that be a fake then?
  5. I was about to say that the only one of these I had seen before was Happy Jack's and it still is! Very nice, good luck with the sale.
  6. Yes spotted this one whilst trawling the listings. Think you're right Pete
  7. Class Love the shoppers drifting about in front of camera.
  8. [quote name='Clarky' post='1253941' date='Jun 2 2011, 01:33 PM']Bit of a tart's handbag but better than bl**dy awful upside down Thunderbird-y Warwick monstrosity![/quote] My thoughts exactly
  9. With my old Trace, I more often than not had it set the opposite of a smiley face, in most of the venues I played that seemed to work best.
  10. I was looking at one of these in a local secondhand shop recently. It actually looked ok, just a bit too heavy for my frail old bod. Can't answer your question about the body wood but I'm sure there is a thread somewhere on the forum about Encore projects. Try a search. If the neck is ok, I would go ahead and replace some parts, esxpecially as it hasn't cost you a thing as yet.
  11. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Fender-Telecaster-Bass-1951-51-Squier-Precision-/270758338315?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f0a745f0b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Fender-Telec...=item3f0a745f0b[/url] Wouldn't you rather have this than the genuine crackling antique?
  12. The prices have really rocketed recently. Yours is much better value than the one that I was watching on the bay last week, went for £154 plus p&p. Good ol' supply and demand
  13. [quote name='monolab' post='1251126' date='May 31 2011, 09:47 AM']Great set up !! i was actually gonna buy one of those 50 heads a month ago , but i stupidily past on it.. DAMN!! DAMN!! DAMN!![/quote] Really, it didn't occur to me that there were any still about.
  14. It's worth it if you enjoy tinkering and you are happy to use the exercise as an opportunity to learn more about your instrument. You will hopefully gain an understanding of the electronics, how to solder, how it all goes together, how to set it up to suit you. You might even end up with a very playable instrument. I recently upgraded a cheapest of the cheap squier affinity p bass that turned out really well and is now a pleasure to play. There's a thread about it in the Build diaries section if you are interested. You may well turn a profit, you may not but ultimately it's worth it for the experience, assuming you are not a complete disaster area around tools/soldering irons etc
  15. Thanks to my daughter, pic now showing
  16. Nice one Clarky, you do get your hands on some cracking basses.
  17. [quote name='urban Bassman' post='1248152' date='May 28 2011, 12:33 PM']looks like it's a .zip file, I think you'll need to re-save it as a jpeg and re-attached, should work then :0)[/quote] Yes suspected that was the problem, thanks. Trying to sort it now but I fear the pic may be too small to be of much use.
  18. [quote name='rOB' post='1248096' date='May 28 2011, 11:51 AM']the pic hasn't inserted mate. Or at least it isn't showing for me.[/quote] I know, thanks. I'm trying to sort it but think I might need a grown up to help me
  19. Just found this old polaroid snap taken in my bedroom circa 1973-74. Image quality not brilliant but hopefully good enough to see. [attachment=81344:new_doc_1_1_.jpg] Selmer Goliath 4 x 10" purchased second hand. 50 Top amp purchased new from a record/music shop in Hoddesdon. The Epiphone was my 15th birthday pressie from mum and dad. I can still remember tearing the wrapping paper off the case, releasing the catches and opening it up to get my first look at it. Actually I can still recall the smell of it as well. I wonder if any of it still survives. I sold the bass to a friend of my brother but as for the amp and cab, just can't recall.
  20. If only you hadn't said it plays like butter, I would have had it! Just kidding you, have a bump for a stunning bass. Good luck with the sale and welcome.
  21. When i laqcuered the head on my recent p bass project, three or four coats was sufficient to mask the edges of the decal. I guess it must depend on the thickness of the film used for the decal, but fifteen coats does seem rather a lot. Use the wet/dry Wet.
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