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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. That is handsome. Don't be shy, show us more.
  2. Clarky are you trying to upset all the purists on here? Wait for the slightly angry post, telling you that it is NOT called a kettle lead.
  3. Like it and will look forward to seeing the finished job.
  4. Nice review. Chuffed for you, looks like you've got a goodun there. That's a pet hate of mine with saddle grub screws. It's a tedious job but I just have to take them out and cut them down a bit.
  5. Reckon someone's nan has a missing wardrobe door
  6. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1241126' date='May 23 2011, 06:37 AM']I've given up.... my hearts not in it. He (the pub owner) got a decent photo and some factual information. He's not paying us enough to do all the work [/quote] That's the spirit, you'll have people flocking from yards around
  7. I need to learn this for the band that I've just joined. Got to say that although I've never played it, I already feel that it's straying in to Mustang Sally/Brown Eyed Girl territory, in that every pub band seem to have it on their set list.
  8. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1239540' date='May 21 2011, 06:05 PM']Touch typing can make your keyboard sound like a Mark King solo but that's about it I reckon. [/quote]
  9. I learnt to touch type back in the 70's, on an old fashioned proper manual type writer, the sort where you really did need some finger strength. I don't think the modern keyboards need much in the way of strength to operate. It still worth learning to touch type though, must help with dexterity and also it's just the right way to do it.
  10. Being an old git just made it too expensive for me to even consider. So that's why I built my replica YOB over the winter months. Not totally period correct but reasonably convincing and didn't strain the finances too much. It's been seen before but here's a pic anyway [attachment=80543:complete12.JPG]
  11. Thanks chaps. I got the pickguard from: [url="http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/guitars_electric&ssPageName=STRK:MEFSX:SELLERID"]http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/guitars_electric...:MEFSX:SELLERID[/url]
  12. [quote name='big25g' post='1238369' date='May 20 2011, 04:33 PM']How did you make the decal? was it a photoshop jobbie?[/quote] [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Dec-Art-Decals?_rdc=1"]http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Dec-Art-Decals?_rdc=1[/url] Good chap to deal with and very good quality
  13. I know that I would deffo struggle if handed a five stringer, as I've never played one. At my ripe old age think I'm just going to stick with four strings.
  14. A couple of days back I took delivery of a MXR M80, second hand off ebay. Very impressed so far, although I guess the acid test will be gigging it. Build quality seems very good and experimenting with the pre amp at bedroom rocker levels produces some very pleasing results.
  15. [attachment=80412:009.JPG][attachment=80413:013.JPG] As requested
  16. Oh lordy. I want. Congrats on scoring yourself a truly lovely looker.
  17. Some people eh, why mess you about? These bridges are not easy to get hold of at a reasonable price these days and yours is a very reasonable price.
  18. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='1236374' date='May 18 2011, 09:58 PM']Yep, very nice. Did you have to drill new holes for the pickguard or did you get a custom one made?[/quote] The holes almost lined up but not quite, I think one of them lined up. The remainder were plugged with wood/glue and then redrilled. It's not a custom bridge, I bought it off a Bass Chatter. Think it was from a Fender.
  19. Got this Squier Affinity a couple of months back. It came to me in a pretty sorry state and in need of some care and attention. [attachment=80322:006.JPG][attachment=80323:021.JPG] Stripped it down and sold most of the bits on Ebay. Sourced all replacement bits and pieces on here and ebay. Screened out the cavities. One thing I really didn't like about the Squier in its original state was the silly little tuners. So I drilled out the holes to allow me to fit some proper sized ones. Fitted replacement high mass bridge. New pups, wiring, knobs and controls. New three ply pick guard to replace the really horrible single ply white one. [attachment=80324:001.JPG] I thought long and hard about what decal to fit, I quite fancied putting a Fender decal on but was a bit concerned about the rights and wrongs of it, as my plan was to sell the bass. Anyway if you look at the pics you can see that I'm not trying to fool anyone, well not close up anyway. [attachment=80329:005__2_.JPG] So the decal went on, followed by a few coats of satin lacquer. After a few days to dry I gave it a buff and polish and then put back on to the bass, along with a new neck plate. At this stage I was really pleased with the look and just hoping that it would sound good. So on with a set of strings, the truss rod needed some adjusting. After that I adjusted the bridge for action and intonation and set the pick up height. [attachment=80329:005__2_.JPG][attachment=80331:006__3_.JPG][attachment=80332:017__2_.JPG] I'm glad to say the whole project was worthwhile, to me it not only looks a whole lot better but also plays well and sounds very good. My thanks to the bass chatters who supplied some of the parts and to Out7hined for the advice/help. Looks like I'm not going to be able to sell it as my daughter has fallen for it, so I'm donating it to her.
  20. I emailed them yesterday morning and still awaiting a reply, so still can't confirm if I want one of them sorry.
  21. * 'Stool at the back' - new slang for drummer? [/quote]
  22. Paul came to mac towers yesterday to buy my Squier VMJ. Pleasure to meet him and chat. Recommended Bass Chatter.
  23. That is a cracker. Congrats. Also congrats on having such a splendid wife. Think you've got yourself a couple of keepers there.
  24. [quote name='voxpop' post='1233276' date='May 16 2011, 05:00 PM']Best to ask MXR / Dunlop they should be able to tell you if it will run on 18 volts.[/quote] Yes, I'll mail them tomorrow. thanks
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