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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I won an ebay auction yesterday for an mxr 80 di but don't know whether it's compatible. I suspect it's 9 volt only but I'm hoping that's not the case as I hate relying on batteries. Will have to get back to you once I know and if you still have them then I'll have one.
  2. [quote name='ziggydolphinboy' post='1232260' date='May 15 2011, 06:14 PM']my rig i used last night Zig the Rig (band nick name) 4x10,6x10,1 horn box , two smx 400 heads steroeo out from my effects pedal!! but was told some of my notes wernt cutting trough!!! any advice? Is this a problem with trace cabs in a rock band situation? zig[/quote] Maybe you deafened them after the first note. I would think that rig could cut breeze blocks.
  3. Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Never thought I would be selling this one as not only is it such a good example but also it was a gift from my wife, however, with the recent onset of arthritis to my fingers I find the slim neck difficult and uncomfortable. This bass was purchased new in March 2008 and as can be seen from the photos, it is in very good condition. I have gigged and rehearsed with it but it has been well looked after. Everything is in good working order and I’ve presently got it set up with quite a low action. Some of these VMJ’s are extremely heavy fortunately this one isn’t, weighing in at a very reasonable 9lb 6oz. ********************************* PIMPING DETAILS: I have carried out the following upgrades: Removed the original standard bridge unit and installed a Badass 11 Bridge. Removed the original Seymour Duncan designed pickups and installed a set of Wizard 64’s. Removed the original strap buttons and installed Schaller strap locks. I felt all of the above upgrades were worthwhile and have made a good instrument sound, look and feel even better. I have therefore left them on for this sale, but I am equally happy to remove them and reinstall the original components. So, I’m setting two prices for this bass. In it’s pimped/upgraded mode £310.00 In it’s original non-pimped mode £ 180.00 I haven’t at this stage factored in any shipping costs and would prefer pick up from my home. If shipping is required we can discuss arrangements. [attachment=79945:015.JPG][attachment=79946:020.JPG][attachment=79942:007.JPG][attachment=79943:010. JPG][attachment=79944:011.JPG]
  4. [attachment=79941:002__2_.JPG][attachment=79940:017__2_.JPG][attachment=79938:009__2_.JPG][attachmen t=79939:005__2_.JPG] My latest P Bass. Very pleased with this. It started life as a Squier Affinity and came to me in a sad neglected state. Now sporting new pups, neck plate, pickguard, bridge and proper size tuners.
  5. [quote name='gareth' post='1231201' date='May 14 2011, 06:21 PM']Is that a reissue 70's bass or a very well kept 70's bass with upgraded bridge? Very nice whichever[/quote] I think it's Davids Roger Waters build and very nice it looks too. Nice one Sam. Hope you get some relief from the RA, good luck at the hospital.
  6. [quote name='ahpook' post='1230603' date='May 14 2011, 12:34 AM']ack - beat me to it ! hope it works out well gary.[/quote] You're very kind, thanks. They found me on the Join my Band web site, where I stuck on an ad a couple of weeks back.
  7. Spoke to Steve earlier this evening, he mailed me over a set list and I'm going along tuesday evening.
  8. I used methods 1 and 2 from your list when I converted my garage. Worked very well with the advantage of making the whole environment feel warmer and less like a garage.
  9. You manage to get a week of zinginess out of Rotos? I stopped using them a few years back and have since tried a whole load of different strings. Have now settled on DR Highbeams, plenty of oomph and they seem to stay nice and bright for a good long time. Not cheap initially but they last and last. Can be found cheapish on ebay from various U.S. sellers (although there has been talk of same fakes of late). If you are on a tight budget it might be worth considering the seller on Ebay who does three packs of Hartke strings for about £12. I've had them in the past and been quite happy with them.
  10. Good luck Stevie, hope you get yourself sorted wiht a job and dosh.
  11. Perhaps if you can't find a crafter one you should consider getting one made. There are some pickguard suppliers listed in the sticky at the top of this forum. The Bass Doc also makes custom guards, give him a pm.
  12. The one that I've got is absolutely bloody marvelous. I was a bit hesitant about buying as it was more than I had budgeted for, however, it was money well spent. I don't know how it compares to the 70's model though, sorry. Let me know if you want sizes/radius etc. and I can have a measure up.
  13. Check out this forum [url="http://www.bassesbyleo.com/forum/index.php"]http://www.bassesbyleo.com/forum/index.php[/url] Some very knowledgable chaps on there, even some BC'ers from time to time.
  14. I have a squier project on the go at the moment. Can't answer your question about the wood but mine does sound good for a change of pups, controls/wiring and bridge, a huge improvement to how it was when I bought it. The wood is probably good enough to work well enough but unlikely to be particularly attractive if you were thinking of stripping it back for a natural look. I would say go for it, even if it's just to gain the experience of working on an instrument and setting it up etc.
  15. Hi Simon, welcome and hope you enjoy the site, we are mostly very friendly and easy going.
  16. Nice one Sam. Yes I've also had good advice and help on the site. Always do my own set ups and tinkering now. You will probably get a hankering to join the bitsa club next. I'm on my second one now and most enjoyable it is.
  17. Good man Clarky. I love a bit of Northern Soul, a guily pleasure from the days of my youth. Could never admit it at the time as the crowd I hung with were all into Floyd, Yes, Zepp etc. as was I. Let us know when we can hear it.
  18. Very quick indeed. I was about to contact you but too late. All the best, Gary
  19. I'm sure I flagged this one up a while back and people seemed to think it was genuine then.
  20. How's it going then, have you made a start?
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