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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='jw54' post='1177620' date='Mar 26 2011, 08:35 PM']Just checked - they're about 1/8" from the string.[/quote] An 1/8th when fretted at the last fret? an 8th" would be about right, (depending on type of pick up) when fretting the very last fret.
  2. I had to chase them as well. But once I did they turned up the next day. Rotosounds for me.
  3. I've been thinking of swapping out my jazz neck for a P, but mine is a VMJ not CV [attachment=75733:046.jpg]
  4. Like you say decent parts, but why the precision decal? weird
  5. I'm amazed at the number of ads telling us to grab a "bargin"
  6. Nice job, looks very cool. Hope it performs well at the 02 bash.
  7. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1174682' date='Mar 24 2011, 02:19 PM']Pleased to hear it's going well & sounding good Gary. [/quote] Thanks Tim, I'm all loved up with it at the moment. You know that phase when you just can't walk past it without pausing for an admiring glance and a little noodle
  8. Just received one of John's P bass wiring kits. Looks like a classy bit of work and very rapid delivery.
  9. Lovely bunch of instruments. With the added bonus of the description: Sounds like a Rhino clearing its throat.
  10. I'm pimping a cheapy Squier Affinity at the moment and having fun. Just can't decide whether to go for some relicing, stripping back to natural or just leave it alone and give it a polish up. Enjoy your project.
  11. Got mine today but not read it yet. I dont like the smell of it these days, it makes my bad headaches even worse, so I leave it to air for a while in the garage. I think it's the ink they use
  12. Just installed the 62RI pups that I bought from CD David a while back, in my 58 bitsa. It just sounds so right now and I'm a happy chap tonight. That's all.
  13. It is important to play with other people. If you can't afford a bigger amp at the mo you will just have to play quietly, which isn't necessarily a bad thing anyway. Even if you can't find other musos who are in to your kind of stuff, just go for it. It will all be good experience. In the early days I couldn't afford my own amp. But the guitarist had a woolworths combo with four inputs, so I went in to that, along with two guitars and the vocal. Sounded absolutely atrocious, but we didn't care it was just exciting making some noise. When I did finally get my own amp, our manager (the guitarists mum) said that I really ought to play the right notes now that I could be heard. Sorry, waffling a bit. Bottom line: Don't put off doing it because you fear you haven't got the right kit. Make the most of what you have got and just enjoy learning. Best of luck with it.
  14. Good man, this will be much visited. Thanks
  15. I was watching this a few weeks back and thought it sold. Maybe he had two!
  16. Same here, everytime I've requested advice/help it has been provided.
  17. Thanks, maybe in my head I was making it more complicated than necessary. I haven't got a drill press but know a man who has. So just a case of finding the right size drill bit now.
  18. I was starting to think that maybe I wouldn't bother, but seeing your P bass Neepheid has made me all determined again. You're right it does look better, the little ones to me just look and feel all wrong. So what method did you use to enlarge the holes and get everything lined up?
  19. What grade paper do use on the necks Wayne and whats the procedure? A very light sanding and then t cut/polish? Just interested as I think my G&L would benefit from this treatment.
  20. Can't help unless you give us a link old chap
  21. Thanks for the pointers. I'll try that.
  22. I'm planning on removing the silly little tuners on my squier neck and replacing with proper man size ones. Before I get cracking with sand paper and drill bits is there any reason not to do it? What I mean is, is there a reason other than cost for the little tuners? [attachment=75124:020.JPG] The holes will need opening out a fair bit as the shaft is a much smaller diameter than standard tuners. I suppose the other option would be a replacement that looks more traditional but has the smaller shaft, is such a tuner available? Anyway, that's it I'll await the usual sound advice from more knowledgable BC'ers than me, thanks. Gary
  23. He also selling a 70's P that I think has already been discussed
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