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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Not sure how to proceed really. I decided this afternoon prior to doing anything else, to give it a decent set up. After a bit of tweeking it's actually very playable. I'm pleasantly surprised by the neck and fret work. I was expecting some dodgy fret work with sharp ends etc. but it all seems quite sound and no sharp bits. Plugged in its a bit lame, but I intend to change the pups and drop in one of Kiojons wiring kits. Anyway I will start a build thread, I know it's a bit old hat and the P bass thing has been done over and over, but I like to keep a record. Also if I detail the whole thing, mistakes and all it might at least prove useful to someone else, embarking on a similair project. Thanks for the advice so far, see you in the build thread.
  2. [quote name='rmshaw37' date='Mar 18 2011, 01:48 AM' post='1166566'] I stripped the affinity jazz back then sprayed it pink for the other half (as in my mrs, not my feminine side!)
  3. My cynical head tells me that it just sounds a tad more impressive.
  4. No it's not ply, It's an alder one. I'll live with it for a day or so and take time to consider the best option. Thanks for the replies so far.
  5. Got myself a Squier P bass tonight and plan to do some "improvements". First thing to decide is whether to strip it back to the wood, which is alder or to do some sympathetic relicing. It already has a level of mojo with a few scrapes and bruises. My question is, given that it's a budget bass is the wood likely to be not very attractive and therefore not worth the effort of stripping and staining? Any help gratefully received, thanks.
  6. Nice one Clarky, hope it goes well.
  7. [quote name='Duarte' post='1165023' date='Mar 16 2011, 09:25 PM']Still for sale guys. I'm absolutely skint at the moment, living off stolen instant noodles... do it![/quote] Think you might have to steal some more mate, took me ages to sell mine on here. It eventually went. Another BC'er recommended that I put it on the bay, as these are quite sort after in some parts of Europe and you may well be able to get a better price.
  8. Thanks to you all for the help and advice. Gary
  9. I think that looks rather lovely, looking forward to seeing the finished job.
  10. Nice collection. Shame about the image size but don't know how to help with that.
  11. [quote name='neepheid' post='1162549' date='Mar 14 2011, 10:55 PM']Unlikely to fit. Fill the existing holes and redrill.[/quote] Thanks chaps. Sorry if I'm being dense but do you mean the existing holes to the body would show after fitting the replacement pickguard or just that they wouldn't line up?
  12. Been considering another p bass build and lack of dosh has got me thinking about using a Squier body. So just wondering if the american fender pick guards fit? Advice gratefully received.
  13. Like Vibrating G String mentions, it is worth considering balance as well as weight. A while back I stopped gigging my Jazz because it was becoming uncomfortable for me due to my shoulder/upper back problems. Swapped to my P Deluxe which solved the problem but surprisingly is the heavier of the two instruments.
  14. Thanks GW excellent set of pics. Appreciated being able to sit here in the peace and quiet of my lounge, looking at all the kit.
  15. gary mac

    obbm's feedback

    [quote name='stewblack' post='1160253' date='Mar 13 2011, 10:16 AM']Big order of cables arrived Friday, gigged with Saturday. All work, all beautiful, envy of the rest of my band. thanks yet again Dave. If you are new and wondering how a guy making cables gets all this positive feedback, don't worry about it; just order from him, you'll soon see what all the fuss is about.[/quote] Agreed and I'm sure my P bass actually sounds better with the cable I got from Dave on Friday.
  16. You have just given me a much welcome sunday morning
  17. gary mac

    obbm's feedback

    Thanks Dave. Another quality instrument cable.
  18. Thanks Nick. Yes it did turn out well, I want to do another now, probably a 70's jobbie.
  19. I was bored today, so had a bass cleaning/maintenance day and then got the camera out. [attachment=74647:014__3_.JPG][attachment=74645:012__3_.JPG][attachment=74646:013__3_.JPG]
  20. Same here. Totally spoils a gathering of bassists and it's exactly why I stopped going to shows and bass bashes. I really did want to go to this one, but glad I didn't given what you have said Clarky.
  21. That is a handsome beast. Love the look of the neck, well all of it really. The Jap necks are fine things aren't they?
  22. My daughter was gassing over a blue burst one when we were there a couple of weeks back and yes it was a Tribute. Exceedingly nice bass it was too.
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