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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I thought this one was during the period when the line up didn't include John Taylor. Good song though. I have to admit to liking Duran and recently downloaded their new one, which I think is a decent album.
  2. Not the best of locations in my opinion Pete, so I'll be looking elsewhere. But have a bump and best of luck with the sale.
  3. ..and now it's going to give Letchworth a bad name.
  4. Don't know Daz, I do know that I can't do it. I find it very tricky talking at the same time as playing.
  5. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1133465' date='Feb 19 2011, 03:26 PM']I love the headstock GW. [/quote] Same here, just love that head stock. Nice one GW, hope you enjoy
  6. Pete, dont know if you seen this site, but i found it useful, mostly for putting me off actually ordering [url="http://www.dutycalculator.com/new-import-duty-and-tax-calculation/"]http://www.dutycalculator.com/new-import-d...ax-calculation/[/url]
  7. If this is as good as my Jap bitsa that I recently put together, then someone should get themselves a very nice bass. Good luck with the sale.
  8. I wasn't aware of this either until last week, when my shuttle 6 went off for repair. I was awoken early this morning by the courier ringing the door bell and presenting me with a fender box. Haven't opened it yet.
  9. I bet when I revisit Bass chat in a few hours this thread will be about three pages long And I love DR High beams, but they are stainless, so maybe not what you want. I have found them to be good for punchy rock and funk so far.
  10. A valid point for me, although it tends to apply more to instruments than amps/cabs etc. is that a new/different bass has often inspired my playing and instead of sitting down and noodling about with the same old riffs, patterns, scales, I've gone off in a different direction.
  11. Not the same problem as yours, mine is a crackling master volume pot. Been there from new, I think it's a fairly common issue with these amps. Most of the time it's not too bad but on occassions it really can make me, band mates and audience jump. Enjoy the trip and just walk straight to the counter without looking at the displays, if you ignore my advice it could be a very costly trip. Absolutely don't look at the Overwater Jazz
  12. I was so pleased with the situation in my current covers band. We have a decent set of numbers, mostly well known but not necessarily typical pub fodder. Then a couple of weeks back at rehearsal the guitarist decided that we must do Mustang and Wonderful Tonight. If he suggests Lady in Red, I'm off.
  13. As Lemmywinks, I was about to use fishing as an example. It's particularly prevalent in the carp fishing world, especially with rods, reels and bivvies, some of which are hugely expensive and almost certainly not good value. But certain makes become must haves. Same with hi-fi enthusiasts, koi keepers and just about every hobby that is catered for.
  14. [quote name='thebrig' post='1129025' date='Feb 15 2011, 10:34 PM']No, the 6.0 has not got this switch. Oh well, back to the shop, it's only a two hour round trip (M25 then A12), two of my favourite roads! Then I will probably have to do the same in a week or two's time to pick it up. The £50 I saved by buying it from this dealer, will all be lost in fuel costs. Maybe in hindsight, it's probably better to buy locally, where you can just pop in and out regularly. Maybe another good topic in the making![/quote] Just made the same trip to Colchester with my shuttle 6.
  15. Rich. That looks truly spectacular mate. Sorry to hear of the loss in your family, I can relate as we are dealing with the loss of my mum in law, found dead in her flat on friday night. We are all shocked and trying to come to terms with it. Hope you are doing ok. All the best, Gary
  16. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1127586' date='Feb 14 2011, 08:36 PM']Everyone here seems to dislike the Hercules ones (from past threads) but mine has served me just fine with my Jazz.[/quote] Same for me, best stand I've used.
  17. Plectrum wedgy, check then out on ebay.
  18. That looks seriously funky, love the fret board, you need to put a pic in Waynes thread on maple/blocks.
  19. Nice one John. Must say I'm surprised you've started modding this one though.
  20. What a handsome line up. Love the Precision and not usully mad on black.
  21. What is becoming clear through this thread, is that one mans idea of the blues can be very different to the next.
  22. I've got one of these for sale, might be what you are looking for. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=27012&hl=akai+sampler"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...hl=akai+sampler[/url] All the best, Gary
  23. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1120710' date='Feb 8 2011, 10:02 PM'][attachment=71671:Albarhouse.JPG] Happy as usual.[/quote] Looks like you are unplugging the bass and preparing to wade in to the audience to give a heckler a thoroughly good whacking.
  24. I've surprised myself by liking it. They don't usually do it for me, but that actually looks pretty damn splendid. Good luck.
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