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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [attachment=70621:014.jpg] Here you go Nige, a better view of my P bass. I've actually been considering changing the pickguard recently, as I feel it's a bit too blingy or maybe a bit too country. Not sure what to do really and can't decide on what colour would actually compliment the paint job.
  2. I've always said that I wouldn't do it and I've also warned my daughter not to, however on two occasions I've ignored my own advice and put in last minute bids on ebay. Fortunately both purchases were good. The first a Yamaha Bex 4 which was lovely but now residing with another BC'er. Second was a G&L SB1 which is most certainly a keeper. I still look on ebay everyday just in case something special appears.
  3. The 77 P Bass is a cracker, but he has had it for a long time now, I'm fairly sure it was on there when I first visited the website in 2009. I really like the blue P bass special and that one has also been on there for a year or so.
  4. Thanks James, good to know as Stevenage is fairly local for me and I've never heard of TJC
  5. Don't think he's being unrealistic with the price. Although I didn't think they were over a grand when new.
  6. Thanks Chris. Love your Wal, a much more handsome beast than mine.
  7. Thanks Chris. Yes, sorry my post was a bit vague, I meant the screws that fix the bridge to the bass.
  8. Wasn't part of his sound down to abuse of his speaker cones with a sharp implement.?
  9. Always loved this song and Northern Soul generally, but would never admit it to all my rock mates back in the day.
  10. EDIT: * and... cue the deluge of people telling me that the HagHof LegWinder 2 string bass from 1954 used them... [/quote] Thanks for that. I'll try to track down some replacement screws.
  11. I've spent sometime today giving my Wal Pro 1 four string a spring clean and polish. Found myself getting increasingly irritated by a past owners heavy handedness. He has managed to burr a number of screws to the bridge and used all sorts of odd screws to replace what he's lost or damaged. Some of the screws are black cross heads, some are chrome and some are slotted, it's a right old mish mash. Can any of you Wal owners/enthusiasts tell me what screws would have been used originally? The bridge is finished in black. Thanks in advance. Gary.
  12. I tend to think the wait twenty four hours thing is nonsense.
  13. Thanks Nick. So glad that I spotted your ad for the body. I've just bought a set of U.S. pups off of Cd_David, from whom you bought the body I believe.
  14. I was going to be diplomatic, but I can't. That's just totally orrid.
  15. Don't be afraid, it's a reasonably easy job. Just take your time. Up until fairly recently I had never adjusted a truss rod or done a set up, but I've recently really got into it and have now done most of my basses. There's a whole load of info on line. I can thoroughly recommend the Haynes Fender manual, I seem to refer to it most days.
  16. Firstly, I would say take your time and enjoy the process. Don't rush in and also be aware that your tastes might change as you mature, so it might be quite a challenge to get it right. Having said that I've never gone down the custom route, so maybe shouldn't be replying to you. There plenty of users who have and I'm sure they will be along soon. Gary.
  17. Welcome and good luck with the sale. I'm not in the market for another P bass at the mo, but that is very tempting, well it would be if I had the dosh. all the best, Gary
  18. That looks like a good find, very nice, now get out there and gig it.
  19. gary mac


    Good luck with the move Ped, hope it's not too traumatic and stressful. All the best, Gary
  20. [quote name='chris_b' post='1107160' date='Jan 29 2011, 01:14 PM']Don't worry about the set... worry about your gear and your health! I don't believe a drop in power will cause damage but spikes would. Also find out about earth issues. I think you are OK without and earth if everything you can touch is powered from that one generator. Get the organisers to guarantee the quality of power supply and don't do the gig if they won't.[/quote] Absolutely spot on.
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