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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. My wife who is usually the most reasonable of people, won't allow the vomit in the sink method.
  2. 11/11/2010 Set about sorting the wiring this morning. It took me a while to get the soldering carried out, but finally managed to get it all fitted and hopefully in the right places. Quite a fiddly job really, particularly getting the capacitor in the correct position. As can be seen in the photos my soldering could be better, but hopefully it will all hold...... It didn’t, when I moved it to get it in to place, the capacitor popped off the volume pot. Stupidly I had already packed away the soldering kit and cleared up. Lesson learnt. Re soldered the capacitor. Had a cuppa and left it alone for a while. Refreshed from my tea, put the pick guard in place, being careful to tuck all the cables in. I just know that something will be wrong with the wiring so I decided not to screw the guard down just yet, but then against my better judgement screwed it down anyway. [attachment=63710:066.JPG][attachment=63711:069.JPG]
  3. Found this site quite useful. Refering to it has stopped me making some rash purchasing decisions. [url="http://www.dutycalculator.com/new-import-tax-calculation/"]http://www.dutycalculator.com/new-import-tax-calculation/[/url]
  4. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1019333' date='Nov 10 2010, 08:46 PM']If it's just the screws, simple! Just rub the heads with a dry brillo pad to make them duller. It's what I do and it works a treat. It doesn't have to be an exact science as it's such a small part.[/quote] I was just experimenting with screws as they are the cheapest items and easily replaceable if I manage to ruin them. But thanks, I try the brillo pad method tomorrow.
  5. The overnight soak didn't seem to achieve much really in either of the solutions. Screws still looked shiny and new. Time for plan b, only there isn't one at this stage.
  6. 09/11/2010 The screws do not appear to have altered although the water was rusty looking. Rinsed them off and dried them. Installed the pups, fitted the pots and socket to the pick guard. Checked out a few web sites for details on wiring/soldering. Just to ensure my confused state continues, they all seem to recommend slightly different ways.
  7. Saturday was my first proper gig post surgery and it was damn fine. I really enjoyed it, I get such a buzz when it's tight and grooving. It was only a short set, which suits me at the moment. We went down a storm and received a good number of compliments. Set list was: Wishing Well. Travelling in Style. Echo Beach. The One I love (REM). Sultans of Swing and a Paul Weller number that I can't recall the title of. Anyway it was most enjoyable and my G&L sounded growly and huge.
  8. [url="http://www.relicdeluxe.com/default.asp"]http://www.relicdeluxe.com/default.asp[/url] Plenty of info on this site. At the moment I've got screws soaking in salt and another lot in vinegar as recommended by other BC'ers. Will check them out in the morning and let you know if it has achieved the desired effect. All the best, Gary
  9. Decided my old tin of T cut was past it's best as it was in the shed all last winter and probably spent a few weeks frozen. Paid a visit to the local car spares shop and got a fresh one. I'm sure it was about two quid last time I purchased, now best part of seven. Did a bit more fine sanding, then a t cut and a final polish up with a buffer pad attached to my drill. Still can't see much difference really but I'm going to leave it as it is and go for discreet rather than fully mojo'd. The body has a number of small dings and a little wear and I think my efforts have probably given it a slightly aged look. I won't put any pics up as I dont think they will look any different to the earlier snaps. Meanwhile experimenting with a couple of suggestions from bass chatters regarding ageing of hardware. So far just risking the pickguard screws. Some soaking in salty water and some in vinegar. Will leave them overnight and then investigate. I think my next task will be to install the pups and wiring. Once that's done and the bridge is re-fitted, I'm done until I get hold of a neck.
  10. [quote name='Rumple' post='1016423' date='Nov 8 2010, 02:46 PM']Have you thought about having a neck made to your own spec? I'm having one made for me by a fellow basschatter, you get exactly what you want and it's not as expensive as you would think. R.[/quote] No I hadn't even considered that as an option, but would be interested to know more about it, thanks.
  11. In my quest to find a p bass maple fretboarded neck I've been searching on here and checking out ebay every few hours over the last couple of weeks. So far no luck, typically there are plenty of jazz necks and a fair few rosewood p bass necks. I've thought about ordering from one of the sites in the states that has a few 57 ri mexican necks, but by the time I factor in the shipping, V.A.T. and duty it becomes too costly for me at the moment. Now I'm thinking of maybe buying a new one and trying to age it myself. So some advice on where to buy from and which manufacturers you would recommend. I've seen a new Mighty Mite maple f/b neck on ebay for what seems like a reasonable price and the seller does offer a vintage look laquer and decal service. Any tips/pointers gratefully received, thanks Gary
  12. I like to listen to the song two or three times without my bass to hand. That way I can actually listen without just following the chord changes.
  13. Orrible thieving gits, sorry to hear this tail of woe Nick. Hope the sale goes smoothly for you and that you get your kit back. Gary
  14. Just wanted to say that I've had dealings with Andy this week and found him most helpful. Answered all my pm'd questions. Posted the items when he said he would and kept me updated all along. Don't wish to get involved in any slanging, just letting you know that my experience with him was good and I will be happy to deal with him again.
  15. Still available, so another bump. If the price is wrong make me an offer
  16. Glad nothing truly hideous happened to your bass, I was getting nervous as your post progressed.
  17. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1013926' date='Nov 6 2010, 01:42 AM']Hey Gary Just to say following our PMs I'm reading this thread. keep at it! [/quote] Will do matey. Having a break today as I'm gigging this afternoon. It's our first proper outing, as everything got put on hold when the cancer came along. We've got a half hour set at a fireworks party. Looking forward to kicking up a din again.
  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='1013637' date='Nov 5 2010, 07:02 PM']Hey Gary I wish they were mate! If I see what you're looking for I'll let you know. Hope things work themselves out Chris[/quote] Thanks Chris, very kind of you.
  19. 04/11/2010. Pups turned up today. Yet more frustration. Looks like the pick guard needs filing to get them to fit. I can now see that some filing has already been attempted, I would presume because of the same problem. 05/11/2010 Feeling in a more positive frame of mind I unsoldered the pickups from the pots and screw them in place. Sat the pick guard over them and marked out with pencil where to file. Set up the workmate and got to work with a couple of files and emery cloth. Twenty minutes or so later and it was looking much better, not perfect but that being mainly due to the filing carried out by a previous owner. At this stage had to drill one additional hole in the body and then screwed down the guard to see how it all looked. The answer being not as good as I would like, but it will have to do for now. I may fit a chrome pick up cover.
  20. If they were attached to a nice maple fretboarded neck and half the price I would just about be able to afford them for my p bass project. Health issues this year have left us in a very precarious financial situation so can't take them off your hands Chris. Good luck with the sale, yours are a bargain compared with some of the ones listed on ebay.
  21. The way my P bass project is going I'm going to need the pup cover to hide the filing that needs to be done to the pick guard.
  22. Thanks chaps, good advice as usual. Like I said the pick guard has already been filed by a previous owner, so I suppose I've got nowt to lose. I'm not doing anymore today, have a fresh start tomorrow.
  23. I'm trying to crack on with my p bass project and keep getting thwarted. I've now got a gold anodized pick guard and some pups, both purchased on the forum. Having some problems with the fitting, it would seem that the guard is going to need some filing to allow the pup to be fitted. I imagined that everything would be standardised really. What I mean is all p bass pups would fit all p bass pickguards. Having said that the pups I've got are not Fender but I believe the guard is. A previous owner has done some filing of the guard, which will also need some tidying up. So do I start filing or get proper fender pups? Or a new pickguard? Thoroughly confused and fed up now. Each of the pups that I have got are 55 mm long x 28 mm wide, excluding the half round bit with screw holes. Hopefully I've explained myself well enough for someone to offer some advice, before I bin it all and give up. Thanks, Gary
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