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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. No, never experienced that one and like you say, very heavy handed.
  2. Another lovely bass Clarky, blidge you have had some crackers. I would love to take this one of your hands. But it's not going to happen with our dire financial situation. Best of luck with the sale, I'm guessing it will be gone before the night is out.
  3. Time for the weekly bump, even though I said it would be going on ebay.
  4. That was a good saturday afternoon read, thanks. Some decent pics too.
  5. Yes, very nice and like Deaver said, more pics needed
  6. I think if the issues you have detailed are enough to spoil your enjoyment of the bass, then it should go back. I don't see why any of us should accept shoddy workmanship. I know sometimes it doesn't seem worth all the hassle of returning stuff but this is exactly why dodgy quality control exists. If Fender or any other manufacturer couldn't shift their less than perfect instruments, then I'm sure they would soon stop being made, quality control would suddenly improve dramatically and there would be a whole lot of very much happier musicians. Oh for an ideal world. Anyway hope you get it resolved to your satisfaction.
  7. Any chance you might be interested in a swap for Genz Benz Shuttle 6? All the best Gary
  8. Please please please, when you have finished this product make sure to start another one complete with a new thread. You have cheered up many a glum day for me.
  9. Don't panic, it sometimes takes a while. It's a nice looker and I'm sure someone will be interested.
  10. That does look good, but out of stock. I most certainly wouldn't order from the Bass Centre unless it was in stock and no one else anywhere in Britain had one.
  11. You can't go far wrong with a Yamaha, the build quality and components are always reliable in my experience. A Yamaha would certainly be my choice out of the two.
  12. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='982931' date='Oct 9 2010, 10:14 PM']Sort your spelling out, you Muppet![/quote] That's a bit harsh
  13. Maybe a Squier Precision would be more fitting in a U2 tribute band. Not that I'm suggesting there is anything wrong with Aria basses, just don't know if it's the right look.
  14. A pre-ebay bump. Would much rather sell to a Bass Chatter but if it doesn't go soon, then off to ebay.
  15. For years and years used Gibson and Fender strings, not through customer loyalty as such, more because I got them FOC. In more recent times tried a few different makes. I'm a recent convert to DR Highbeams and don't think I'll be changing any time soon.
  16. It's a lovely bass. It was the one I purchased when getting back into bass playing after a long lay off. Thought I would keep it forever, but I have been thinking about selling it, as I'm not gigging much and can't really afford the luxury of all these basses.
  17. [attachment=60854:100.JPG][attachment=60855:028__2_.JPG] On the right, BB1200 from 1981 (I'm reliably informed). Bex 4 now sold
  18. Not in the market at the moment, but just wanted to compliment you on the first class ad and pics (and the basses of course). Good luck with the sale.
  19. Very nice, makes it worth getting to sixty I should think. Hope you thoroughly enjoy both the bass and your birthday.
  20. Thanks for the heads up, that looks like an excellent product. It would seem it's used on cars and boats over here. Think I will order a bottle and give it a go.
  21. I've never heard of a bad Wal. Certainly not in terms of build quality or components.
  22. My G&L is in need of a tweek, as of today rattling on all strings.
  23. So sorry to hear of your plight, that must be hugely depressing for you. Wish you well and good luck with the sales and your health. Lovely kit, but I'm not in a position to buy, can't imagine it hanging about for long though. All the best, Gary
  24. Nice work. that looks very pleasing.
  25. [quote name='observer' post='977994' date='Oct 5 2010, 09:11 AM']Bought second hand of e-bay. Made in Korea, February 2004, old style logo (Tribute by G&L). Played 3 gigs over last 2 weeks, and have to say it's a proper a.. kicker. So happy I bought it. Think my GAS is already cured for a few - lets say - weeks [/quote] Nice. I'm a very recent convert to G&L, having purchased an old SB1 on ebay a few weeks back. If you want to look I did post a thread in this forum. So far very impressed, played one gig and a couple of rehearsals. Can't walk past it at home without stopping for a play, always a good sign of a winner. All the best, Gary.
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