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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='964531' date='Sep 22 2010, 02:49 PM']It could well be that one of the pups has been wired the oposite fo the other, like you have said. Have you checked that both pups are wired in phase. when i put my wizards in to my HW-one i only put the neck one in to start with. I went with white to white, black to black, as per the stock pups. Either pup worked fine but there was a huge drop in volume when both were on full. I just reversed the leads on the wizard and all was fine. It might be worth a try.[/quote] Thanks Dave. Probably a dumb question, but how do I check they are wired in phase? Is it just a case of the white and black cables coming off the same sides on both pups. I stupidly told my daughter I'd have this job done double quick
  2. This is getting very frustrating. One of my solder joints wasn't good, so I've redone it today. Still got the problem, I'm sure it's something fairly basic, but can't think what. Bridge pick up works fine on it's own, as does the neck pickup. But when opting to dial in both pups I have to turn the bridge pup knob the wrong way to achieve full volume. I'm sure I've put everything back the way it was with the original pups, so is it possible that the pickup wires have been soldered up the wrong way round by wizard. I know it's not likely, but just a thought. Some help would be hugely appreciated, so that I can maintain hero status with my daughter. Thanks Gary
  3. [quote name='Bobby K' post='964052' date='Sep 22 2010, 07:22 AM']Well, my old pots used a screw too; but they were split shaft pots and those shafts were much narrower. I feel like these are definitely an upgrade though, so I'm happy. Just need some knobs to fit the new girth [/quote] Why is it that the word girth makes me smirk everytime?
  4. [quote name='Bobby K' post='964011' date='Sep 22 2010, 12:43 AM']Ok, so I worked out the Orange drop thing and have finished the job. All is well, apart from the fact that the knurled chrome knobs that I had on the old pots don't fit on these new CTS solid shafts The CTS are much wider. Can anyone suggest some replacements that will fit these shafts? I was of the opinion that all shafts were the same thickness but I've been proved wrong, so new knobs needed![/quote] That's a bummer, guess you needed the split shaft pots then. So I suppose you must now need the type of knobs that utilise a grub screw. Don't think I'm the right person to offer advice though, I've just installed new pups in my daughters jazz and now getting problems with the pots
  5. [quote name='Platypus' post='963767' date='Sep 21 2010, 08:36 PM']I got this mail today via Rock-Till-You-Drob profile jane.janebaby1@ Hello. My name is jane i saw your profile today at www.rock-til-you-drop-musicians.com and i love it also became intrested in you,i will also like to know you more,and i want you to send an email directely to my email address so i can reply your mail and also give you my picture for you to know whom i am.Here is my email address(jane.janebaby1) i believe we can move from here.my love distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life.i waiting to recive your lovely reply soon, Yours Love. Miss jane. seems genuine enough. Now don't go ruining my day by telling me you got the mail too...[/quote] Sorry to ruin your day, I got it as well. Deleted after a moment of excitement, knew she was lying as I don't have a profile. What do you think it's about?
  6. [quote name='silddx' date='Sep 21 2010, 01:13 PM' post='963249'] What is the sentiment? I guess I was saying that it's important for me to remember that my primary purpose as a bassist in a band situation, is to lay down the groove and keep good time. And keep my noodling and occassional slap forays at home. Maybe sentiment was the wrong word and I apologise for any distress caused
  7. Thanks chaps will give it a go tomorrow.
  8. I finally got around to installing a set of wizard 84's in to my daughter's VMJ today. It all went quite well, first up removed the old pups and screened out the cavities and rear of pick guard. Soldered up the cables exactly as the existing were wired. Put everything back together and plugged in and although it works and sounds good, something is not quite right. The neck pup seems fine, but the bridge unit becomes quieter when the the knob is turned all the way to max. It seems to operate at full volume only by backing off the knob a bit. Can't think what the problem could be and hope I've explained well enough for a grown up to offer some help. Thanks in advance.
  9. Blidge Clarky, i worry that I'm an indecisive git but think it's safe to say I can stop worrying. Good luck with the sale it looks a real cracking bass.
  10. A weekend bump, still want to sell
  11. No auto tuner in evidence with this lot. Imagine some of the X Factor lot trying to sing this number
  12. Bump for this fine pedal at a very fine price.
  13. [quote name='Clarky' post='955870' date='Sep 14 2010, 11:49 AM']Thanks Wayne. I PM'd Nottswarwick earlier this morning[/quote] So did I Clarky, but I'll keep out of the way unless you decide youdon't want it
  14. Got my daughter one for christmas last year, she thinks it's absolutely brilliant and uses it all the time to nail songs for her band.
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='953809' date='Sep 12 2010, 06:32 PM']I remember when these first came out, they got a must buy award from Total Guitar. Fantastic pedals.[/quote] I'll be changing my mind about selling if I get too many of these posts But thanks Wayne.
  16. Digitech Chorus Factory pedal in as new condition. Boxed with instruction booklet. According to the blurb: Models based on seven of the Greatest Chorus Pedals. Voodoo Lab Analogue Chorus. TC Electronics Stereo Chorus/Flanger Fulltone/ Boss CH1 Super Chorus Electroharmonix Small clone Boss CE-57 Ensemble I purchased this earlier in the year for an upcoming project that didn't happen. I'm determined not to horde stuff that isn't being used so here it is for sale. £45.00 inc. post. [attachment=58632:012.JPG]
  17. Gigged the G&L last weekend through my shuttle six and mark bass cabs. Heavy/thrash metal drummer was depping along with me and the band had four guitars, the bass sounded great to my ears. My wife said she could hear every note, even the duff ones.
  18. I've got one. It's the one in my avatar. I would have to agree that they are a bit special. I didn't realise that they were rare. There have been a few on ebay of late, in fact I'm sure I saw one just last week. I know there are few members on here who are not so keen on them and in particular the active circuitry. I have no complaints though and have found it to be powerful and versatile in use. It cuts through in a very pleasing manner in a band situation, where I dial in both pups but slightly more neck pup than bridge. The only thing lacking in my view, is a passive switching option. It's always worried me that if the battery goes down mid gig then the bass dies. Having said that it has never actually happpened and the battery life is extremely good. It's probably not the bass to go for if you like a traditional P, but in my opinion they look damn fine and sound great. Not too heavy, nicely balanced on a strap and therefore comfortable to gig with. Thoroughly recommended.
  19. When I tried out a fender road worn a few weeks back it was through a little rocker. I thought it was a cracking amp, but at first I wondered what the hell was wrong with it or the guitar. Once I figured that the bass was ok and had a fiddle with the amp settings it sounded great, but only with the tube drive almost off. I'm sure someone will be along soon with more in the way of technical help for you.
  20. Welcome back. Put up some pics when you get it.
  21. I find it surprisingly difficult playing root only bass lines not to put in extra notes. It's a worthwhile lesson in restraint.
  22. That's just being greedy. Very nice though, hope you enjoy.
  23. Good man, nice job and saved yourself a few bob
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