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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Looking good. My bro used to own one of those vinyl machines, so we were always doing that sort of stuff, good fun
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='913119' date='Aug 2 2010, 07:46 PM']Waste of time, yet again. Not impressed with the band scene so far up here. Basically, they can't make a decision but want to leave it for 8 weeks or so. It's times like these you have to ask yourself is it all worth it? Eg the effort and practice in making yourself stand out from the usual dull root root ex rhythm guitarist bass players. Not impressed.[/quote] Feel for you mate. Stick with it though, somewhere out there is the right band for you. Hopefully you will find them sooner rather than later.
  3. [quote name='bassmanady' post='912037' date='Aug 1 2010, 05:19 PM']Oh dear,i have GAS for one with a burgundy finish now...it looks like a very nice quilt maple body?..which i dont have [/quote] There's a four stringer on ebay at the moment, well there was this morning when i did a search.
  4. Is there another venue you could try, perhaps one devoid of dick heads. Sorry to hear that you had that sort of experience.
  5. Check out the Squier website. I've got the vmj and it's a damn fine bass for the dosh.
  6. Can't imagine it will make any noticable difference to the balance issue, but like you said it is a worthwhile upgrade anyway.
  7. [quote name='Relise' post='910941' date='Jul 31 2010, 08:46 AM']7 nation army by the White stripes hopefully tomorrow night at the young age of 38!!! Playing in my local pub -the Gibraltar castle in Harpenden Fingers crossed it goes well... I'm a tad nervous already.[/quote] Good luck, sure you will love it.
  8. 1973 or 74 at Waltham Abbey town hall, a sort of battle of the bands thing. Sporting a Roger Glover stylee hat and crushed velvet loon pants. First number was Deep Purples Space Truckin'. Epiphone semi acoustic bass. Selmer Goliath 4 x 10" cab. 50 Top amp
  9. I do like it. Has a certain charm. Well done looks like a good job.
  10. Congrats, good to hear and wishing you all the best with it.
  11. Haven't got any of the parts requested, but happy to donate a strap, lead or picks.
  12. Just need to find myself a new band now.
  13. Deep joy, just played my bass for the first time in two weeks and I can still do it. Due to my recent surgery I've not been able to play standing up because of the weight and also not been able to sit and play either. But got myself propped up on the sofa this morning and Mrs. Mac did the honours, lifting my jazz down from it's home on the wall and carefully installing it on my lap. Life is complete again, well almost, still got to get back to gigging.
  14. Not usually into black basses, but that is one very pleasing looking jazz. Not so sure about the strap though.
  15. I was going to get all technical but my stupid decrepit brain is stopping me. So can't quote you the exact figure, but a 2" No.8 screw fixed into a wooden stud can support a lot of weight.
  16. I think sitting playing quietly at home I can discern a slight difference, maybe. But when in a band situation, not a jot.
  17. My old bb1200 has EMG's and sounds pretty damn fine. I'm sure Wizards would also be a good choice.
  18. A total gent to deal with. No hassle and very prompt payment. Thanks Bob. Gary
  19. My one[attachment=53457:013.jpg] If you want to know exact specification, dimensions etc. let me know and I will check out the original documentation.
  20. Yes, I've had the same and found it very confidence sapping.
  21. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Best of luck.
  22. Mine had the crackling prob, it's fairly common on these. A squirt of switch cleaner did the trick
  23. The same happened to me with my shuttle six, when playing a festival last year. It's the only time I've had a problem when using this amp, so I put it down to the generator.
  24. Very nice. some Warwicks leave me cold, but that is lovely.
  25. Shame mate. Sure Andy will be as helpful as usual. Like I said I love mine and haven't noticed any lacking in top end, but maybe the shuttle six and markbass cabs help to give me the sound I like. Good luck with tonights gig. Gary.
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