Hi all,
I've been hankering after an old Fender for some time now, this has been made worse recently due to the flurry of postings from Pepone2401. Now I really want one, but due to lack of funds I need to consider selling, swopping or trading some of my current collection.
Twenty odd years back the last thing I wanted was a fender and was really keen on exotic woods and active electronics, anyway got that all out of my system and now find myself favouring simple passive arrangements.
The reason for this post is to ask for some pointers really.
An idea of prices for sixties and seventies models, either precision or jazz. Good years, bad years etc.
Pitfalls to look out for.
Not sure yet, but thinking of selling,swapping, trading my Wal. It's an option to consider.
I can't get any pics up at the mo, but I did post sometime back in the gear porn section (page 29).
So any info would be appreciated or offers from fender owners, via pms if you feel it's more appropriate.
I also have a 1980's Yamaha bb1200 and a , bex 4
Sorry, bit of a rambling post, but not having a good day today.
So hope to hear from some you, all the best Gary.