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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I wasn't gigging last night and was really looking forward to Chic,,actually was thinking of getting tickets but wasn't willing to shell out well over,three hundred quid. Have to admit to not actually enjoying it, I know Niles uses top notch musicians but for me the rhythm unit was way too busy and the lead vocal over indulgent. Switched off and went to bed after the fireworks.
  2. I wonder if I know him, there were quite a few drummers there on the night.
  3. Oh my word, I thought the neck shim thread got tedious but then I found this one. I almost wish that being tedious was a rule breaker, then I could lock it and throw it in to cyber space
  4. Good buy that. I had one ,a while back, with a Seymour Duncan Antiquity installed. It sounded very good.
  5. I will add, that I thought the labour charge seemed reasonable.
  6. Reading through this thread, certainly shows a massive amount of over thinking the subject. I had a P bass in for repair yesterday. It needed a shim as the bridge saddles were all the way down and the action still too high. Had the neck off, a piece of laminated card in there and all back together, perfectly adjusted within about thirty mins. Guess what? No loss of tone/sustain/volume and the action is just lovely now. Maybe, just maybe, the card will compress a bit in a few years time and then the whole complicated job will have to be done again.
  7. Sounds like a fair and reasonable price to me.
  8. I felt it was exactly the right way to play a few songs that were in the last band's set. So that's what I did 🙂
  9. Don't forget to discharge the capacitors 😀
  10. Healthwise, if you can do it, then do. I'm very near to sixty and still gigging, I still get a kick out of and find it to be a very valuable morale booster. It is exhausting for me and I need a few days to recover but unless my health deteriorates and/or bands don't want me, then I shall continue to kick up a din for as long as possible. I've had to go for progressively lighter rigs and give consideration to the weight and balance of basses.
  11. Great job, well done. Diagnosis can be difficult, especially if the buzz is actually a hum or vice versa
  12. Are you all sorted on the buzzing issue. Good luck with the surgery.
  13. What a great, challenging project. Good to see that you are getting there with it.
  14. I've seen the cap recommendation as a safety aid before but personally would not put faith in it. Only a fast blowing fuse could be relied upon. I think Taylor might be one of the manufacturers who do just that and install a fuse.
  15. Sounds like a grounding issue. Worth checking amp and cables though. Assuming it's not a cable problem or a problem with the electrics in your house, then carefully inspect all the pots, output socket and ground cables, look closely at the solder joints.
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