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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I'm very impressed with their customer service. I was recently repairing one of their amps, it was out of warranty but they happily sent me the parts FOC.
  2. Don't desolder the wires at the pick up end but from the controls.
  3. Please make any offers to purchase or trade by private message only, thanks.
  4. Despite the gruesome weather and road conditions, the gig went ahead and we raised over £2000.
  5. gary mac

    Sean's Feedback

    Happy to recommend Sean, he was a pleasure to deal with and very prompt with posting.
  6. He should be delighted with that bridge, they are so well engineered, easy to use, once fitted and in my opinion, look great. Re the pick ups, as with guitars the choice is huge and there are provably more good than bad. Might be easier to make a choice based on the style of music that your lad enjoys playing, or if likes the tone of a certain player, that could help. IN my P basses, I love G&L MFD SB1's. I'm about to do a P bass build with Fender 62 reissues, as I've been so impressed when hearing them. I would also happily use Entwistle pickups in guitar or bass, the quality is great, even though they are very cheap compared to many others on the market. I recently fitted a set of their humbuckers to a customer's Les Paul and he was totally delighted with them. Anyway, hope he is happy with whatever you get for him.
  7. Would make the perfect Christmas pressie
  8. Not surprised. I was tempted.
  9. I had to learnt that one a couple of months back, great bass line and a pleasing number when we nailed it. It never seemed to go down that well with audiences though. Although other musicians always seemed impressed.
  10. Next Sunday 10th December, 4pm-10pm. Raising money for the homeless charity. https://www.facebook.com/todostogether/?hc_ref=ARQQxHE8bivVCYMDMBNr66DJwGbKqsVKRHZefwLmH4aRPDZzn3dpRiEkFycS7FDHGRw Four or five different bands put together for the occasion, made up of musicians from a number of local bands. We did the same thing back in the summer and raised a couple of thousand pounds for Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital.
  11. Keep on telling myself that's the last bump and then I do another
  12. Yes, good old Jack, in his defence, he has been a busy chap of late. Hope you're doing ok.
  13. Thanks Simon, going to miss DefunkT but now busy learning a new set for the next venture.
  14. Their customer care is excellent. Well worth an email.
  15. I saw this on FB last night and nearly ordered one. Very tempting but I don't need it.
  16. Good day to you Funk Fingers. Welcome.
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