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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. It won't be shielding but whatever, if it's enough to irritate you and it's new, then send it back.
  2. The only time that my Genz misbehaved, was when gigging with power supplied by a generator.
  3. Always good to hear about the shops that look after people. Will check them out.
  4. I had a miserable drive to chez Lozz, on what must have been the wettest night of the year. Soon cheered up though once we got chatting and sharing a brew. The P bass was just as described and what I wanted. Lozz is a gent to deal with, as you can probably tell if you care to read the last seven pages .
  5. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1498551527' post='3325370'] Sounds like our current PM to be honest [/quote] If we must have politics, please keep it in OT Chris
  6. Maybe the combo is too heavy to jump forward
  7. About time, what took you so long? Congrats, hope to see you in the not too distant.
  8. [quote name='dyerseve' timestamp='1498418928' post='3324472'] In my experience this only works for soft woods. Dense woods are harder to compress and therefore harder to decompress [/quote] Agreed, it's easier on soft wood but still worth a try.
  9. Bit hard to tell from the pic, is the wood just compressed or is there a chunk missing? If it's compressed heat/steam will work very well. Rather than trying to describe the process, I would point you to You Tube
  10. Welcome and hope you enjoy your bass and the forum
  11. If the fret board is really grubby, I would clean it with a cloth and lighter fuel. If it's really caked on there then a razor blade/scraper does the trick. Don't know about the cutting board oil, sorry. My feeling is stick with Lemon Oil or one of the many fretboard conditioners that are available.
  12. I don't have any experience, so not tips or pointers but well done, hope you enjoy.
  13. Whole lotta love is one of those numbers that is considered simple, until you try to do it properly.
  14. [quote name='rhythmbug' timestamp='1497807584' post='3320651'] The screws I bought were advertised as to fit USA and Mexico Ps. Are you certain MIMs are metric? Cos if they are I'll claim a refund. [/quote] The last Mexican instrument I worked on, took M3 (metric) screws. I think U.S use imperial #6x32. Like I said earlier, not sure about Gotoh, might be worth emailing them. I know when I needed help with bridge parts from Babicz, I mailed them and they were very helpful.
  15. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1497716509' post='3320234'] I took your advice - thank you - and I'm now banging out country blues with a slide on this : [attachment=247478:s-l1600 (1).jpg] [/quote] Great news, good for you
  16. I've had this sort of fun a few times. U.S. Fender use imperial and I believe Mexican use metric. Not sure about Gotoh though, sorry. I keep a supply of both in my bits box. Check out Ebay, not on the guitar sites but screw/bolt/fixings suppliers.
  17. Good luck with it. Slowly, slowly and keep checking, you don't want to be taking off too much
  18. [quote name='DanH71' timestamp='1497610286' post='3319444'] hey Gary Mac, no I have not checked them with a straight edge..so thanks. will try that when I get the chance. if they are not straight, how could I level them? other than that, are there any other possible reasons and fixes that could cause such a thing? cheers Dan [/quote] If you find a high fret, then it will need to be filed down to the same height as the neighbouring frets. After that it will need crowning to give it a rounded profile. Specialist files are available but for a one off I would probably make do with a decent file and varying grades of sand paper.
  19. You say the frets look fine but have you checked them with a straight edge? If not, that's the first thing I would be doing, to see if there is a high fret or two.
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