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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. that is a serious knob collection. Good luck, hope it works out for you Ped. I have to admit to struggling when faced with anything other than P bass controls.
  2. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1495961419' post='3307725'] I upset Mrs Lurks when I told her I could sell all my other guitars now , she complained that I wasn't allowed to because of the guitar brackets on the walls would look awful without guitars hanging on them [/quote] Love it.
  3. You lucky chap, that does look the business
  4. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1495817934' post='3306878'] Any idea of price for one? [/quote] Just pm John and he will give you a price double quick.
  5. Just taken delivery of another of John's excellent kits. As always a pleasure to deal with one of BC's true gents.
  6. I seem to recall that an early 70's Jazz that I sold, has recently been offered for sale here on the forum. If it is still available, I can thoroughly recommend it as a very good one.
  7. Definitely worth doing. Just about every bass and guitar I work on, need a few frets leveled and crowned.
  8. They still should Karl. Let us know if rules have been broken.
  9. That does sound like a fine deal. Shall I, shan't I.........maybe
  10. What a shame, after all your efforts. All the best to Chris and you Mick. Let's look forward to a bigger and even better bash next year.
  11. My fender Rumble has been excellent for home practice. Well built, decent sound quality and so far has proved very reliable.
  12. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1494934671' post='3299681'] Same here - Servisol is the one for me. Maybe it's worth contacting them if you, like me, find the lack of tubes vexing. The company's called CRC [email protected] Maybe we could raise it as an election issue...."Britain's not going down the tubes" [/quote] Cheers for that
  13. I didn't know that they weren't doing the tubes anymore. Doesn't make sense, like you, I use the tube just about every time. I hesitated to spend out the dosh on Servisol the first time but have to say, it was money well spent. I would take a lot of persuading to try a different product now. Use it just about every day. Today it's already been used on a P bass and an old Pacifica that I'm servicing.
  14. Despite me having a fairly serious chest infection, a good one for us last night in Hertford. If it hadn't been for a hefty dose of Steroids, I don't think I would have been able to do it. A sofa day today.
  15. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1494667560' post='3297686'] This is an amazing vintage Precision Bass for the money! [/quote] It really is
  16. I love repairing valve amps but they need to be treated with respect. A capacitor discharger is a very useful bit of kit.
  17. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1494450089' post='3296165'] +1 .... yes, really. It is also my daughter's birthday. [/quote] Maybe we could persuade them to celebrate their birthdays at the bash.
  18. In the first instance I would live with it for a few days. The humidity and temperature in your place might be very different to that of its previous home.
  19. The new date is my daughter's birthday, so unfortunately I'm going to have to give the bash a miss this year.
  20. I tune up just prior to sound check and then again at half time and that's it.
  21. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1494088541' post='3293188'] Fingerless gloves are the way forward for outdoors shows. I once played at a bonfire night event which was outdoors, being Novemeber it was a bit nippy; I've kept fingerless gloves in my gig-bag since. [/quote] I've done exactly this
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