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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. At home I'm playing fretless more than fretted and really enjoying it these days.
  2. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1492170311' post='3278444'] each to his own.. But then he's local to me, and not to you, so perhaps we have a different viewpoint... [/quote] What I meant was, I don't want to have to persevere with a business, nowt to do with location/distance. Also not aimed at BD, just a general observation.
  3. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1492168729' post='3278422'] I suggest perseverance.. [/quote] Not top of my list when I want to purchase from a business.
  4. Have you played the Jazz through a gigging rig or just a little practice amp?
  5. [quote name='Jonesy' timestamp='1491693695' post='3274875'] Hmm, I seem to have double posted some how. I only have one HB Jazz for sale, can one of the mods do me a favour and delete a double please? Ta! [/quote] Sorted.
  6. It's time for me to replace my vintage multimeter with something up to date and digital. I'm not looking for top of the range as it's not something I use every day. But I do like to buy decent quality that is reliable and user friendly. Recommendations would be much appreciated.
  7. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1491215486' post='3271216'] I think it helps to know how you think you are going to use it. Some will quantise the loop length so they stay in time with a tempo, others (Ditto)don't, so it's a lot harder to get the end of the loop spot on to a tempo "grid". With practice it does get a bit better, but I often find the little nudge in tempo at the end of a loop can be off-putting. *disclaimer* I've only ever used the Ditto. The actual sound quality is good though, and is true bypass, so won't impair your tone when not active. [/quote][quote name='blank20' timestamp='1491324825' post='3272153'] This one is amazing. [url="https://musicsquare.co.uk/162504_Mooer-Micro-Looper-guitar-effect.html"]https://musicsquare....tar-effect.html[/url] 30min for this price is just great. I can recommend You also this [url="https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/DittoLooper"]https://www.sweetwat...ail/DittoLooper[/url] [/quote] Thanks for the posts, I'm checking out the reccomendations and doing some research.
  8. gary mac

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1491502140' post='3273606'] HMMM very disappointed with you Gary lol but seriously it looks nice hope your keeping well mate [/quote] Sorry to be such a let down mate.
  9. gary mac

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1491477747' post='3273326'] ^^^ What is it? [/quote] As Naetharu said, it's a G&L Fallout. Tribute model.
  10. gary mac

    Guitar Porn

    I got this a few weeks back, such a good quality guitar for not much dosh. I wonder how much better the U.S. built versions are. Anyway, it's great, plenty of tonal options, comfortable to play and to me, a pleasing design. [url="https://flic.kr/p/SjAUTo"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/SnhsQP"][/url]
  11. gary mac

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='Sammers' timestamp='1490777817' post='3267806'] Got my first guitar a few weeks ago, wanted 1 for a few years now and after a backdated pay bump at work I thought I'd treat it as a belated birthday present to myself It's an '09 Gibson SG Standard, the dealer who sold it to me told me that it'd had never been played as the guy who brought it originally didn't play guitar and only used it to pose for a few photos as his missus was a photographer. It's been sat under a bed unused and unplayed since, it even came with the pickguard film still on! Took a bit of getting used to coming from a 35" 5 String with 19mm spacing but having a lot of fun with it [/quote] Very handsome. I installed a Dimarzio bridge pup in one of these a few weeks back, made it sound even more awesome than it already was
  12. Very sad. Thinking of him and his family
  13. I use a Fusion 500 with a BB2, playing pubs, clubs, wedding venues etc. It is most certainly loud enough and the very versatile eq has made achieving a great sound in all sorts of venues, very easy. No plans to change it
  14. That's a fine looking collection Rich.
  15. [quote name='Saved' timestamp='1491129707' post='3270658'] I would set the truss rod in "dead position".Staight in the midle.No bow no underbow [/quote] I tend to do the same if leaving an instrument without strings for any length of time.
  16. Impressive looking bass, hope you enjoy.
  17. Glad to hear it all turned out well in the end. Poor service from the first establishment though Good looking guitar.
  18. Thanks chaps, will check out the suggestions.
  19. Quite fancy getting myself a Looper pedal. Being a complete newbie some recommendations would be most appreciated. My preference would be for something of good quality and easy to use.
  20. Very lush. I was working on a similar looking Balladeer for a customer yesterday, impressed with the quality but not so much with the dirt on the fret board.
  21. gary mac

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='MWH' timestamp='1490709729' post='3267258'] As I don't deserve anything better due to lack of talent, I got this mint Nevada for seventy quid off the 'bay' and dropped the Emg's in with a new wiring harness. It's been proffesionley set up which cost more than the original price. [/quote] From the pic that looks great
  22. Happy to recommend Chris as another one of the BC good guys. Deal with confidence.
  23. Have a good one Jack. We've played there a fair bit. It's an unusual one for us, some nights they can't get enough of the rockier numbers but on some occasions the rock stuff has cleared the dance floor and they want Disco/Soul. Our last visit there a few months back was eventful. One of the drunken punters decided dancing with one of the bar stools was a sound move, he was swinging it around (which cleared the floor quicker than the rock numbers) another punter stepped in to stop him and it didn't end well. The drunk was fine of course but the other fella ended up with his leg facing in the wrong direction and a bone poking out of the flesh
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