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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Each to their own. I've not yet wanted to buy any of the artificially road worn instruments that I've seen. Some of them have played very well but I've not found them convincing to look at and I just prefer the real thing, vintage Fenders and G&L's.
  2. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1482233526' post='3198623'] Isn't this part of what guitar shop assistants do.? Cant see them paying overtime for there hopefully knowledgeable staff to make sure what there selling works as it should. There is no excuse for instruments to be badly set up. [/quote] I wouldn't let a lot of the shop assistants I've encountered, go anywhere near an instrument with anything other than a plectrum
  3. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1482220135' post='3198482'] When it comes to poor set up that really is the shop's responsibility. It amazes me that the one thing a bricks and mortar shop has over the likes of Thomann is that they can ensure every instrument from a beginner's cheapie, through to a custom shop Fender are absolutely perfect ( and still they don't)!! [/quote] I suspect the tight margins make them reluctant to spend out on set ups, even though it might well generate more sales.
  4. I very nearly put in a last second bid but backed out
  5. [quote name='Hazy Bass' timestamp='1482095897' post='3197645'] I just picked up on this for the first time via another thread, and my interest is distinctly piqued! I'm in Sussex (so about as far 'darn sarf' as it's possible to get) ... is there anyone around here (or as far afield as London) who has one of these that I could try? [/quote] I'm hoping to get another one for road testing soon, will give you a shout when it gets here. I'm in Herts so a bit closer for you
  6. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1481814311' post='3195381'] I just sent one back today as it was also over 11lbs I'll have to visit a shop. [/quote] Certainly the best way, there are some light ones out there.
  7. I would just get comfortable with it at a slowish tempo,whilst building stamina and mastering the technique. You will then almost certainly find it much easier.
  8. Love the Doobies rhythm unit, particularly on What were once Vices are now Habits album
  9. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1480608008' post='3185819'] I need somebody (preferably in Herts) to earth the pick ups in a Spector fretless donated to the Herts Bash raffle - let me know if you can help (or direct me to a link which tells me how to do it) [/quote] I've sorted earthing, now just got to do some work on the nut and it will be ready for the Herts Bash next year.
  10. A tight band doesn't have to be loud to sound good. Tight = powerful for me
  11. I had the same on one of my vintage P basses, almost identical to the symptoms you have described. I replaced the output socket, figuring that even if it were to affect resale value, I would rather have a playable instrument. I also eventually replaced the volume pot. Switch cleaner would help for a while but the problem would return. I kept the original parts and passed them on when I sold the bass. I sold the bass, for the price I wanted, so never regretted carry out those essential repairs.
  12. I would glue wooden dowels in the existing holes and then drill fresh holes.
  13. I love flats at home but definitely not when gigging with the current band. However I eq. it just sounds muddy and indistinct.
  14. [quote name='bassbora' timestamp='1480665823' post='3186168'] I came across another item I have and was thinking of maybe selling. But I have no idea how much its worth. So I don't want to put a crazy price on it but I am not sure if its against the rules to pose the question. What do the mods say about that? [/quote] Your best bet is to research Sold Items on Ebay or just do a Google search. Valuation request posts on here will be taken.
  15. If you are buying shielding tape for the back of the covers etc. I think I would be inclined to just use tape for the whole job. For around a fiver you can buy enough to do the whole lot. Get the proper stuff with conductive adhesive and the job is a breeze, well it's a bit fiddly but a worthwhile upgrade. Check it over for continuity with a multimeter once you've done and enjoy a much quieter instrument Make sure that the output socket doesn't make contact with the foil, I was caught out by that the first time I did a shielding job.
  16. I was planning on keeping this but have decided to stick with a lower value Pacifica, for home noodling. The condition is almost as new, one small dink to the paintwork on the rear of the top edge and some very slight blemishes, too insignificant to photograph. The fret work is extremely good and with no signs of wear. Head stock is lovely and clean. This is a Mexican Blacktop model from 2011/12. Nicely set up and wearing a new set of D'Addario strings. The pickups are powerful and versatile, with plenty of tonal variation. Comes with a Fender gig bag. £425 collected from my place in Herts. Cash or Bank Transfer. I can post for around £20 with a decent courier but as it's not in a hardcase, it will not be covered by insurance. [url="https://flic.kr/p/NqzFTU"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/NqzDAC"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/PssK5A"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/NqzHvw"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/NqzENs"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/NqzE9b"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/P7F33s"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/PFdtVk"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/Pv3nKF"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/PssGvs"][/url]
  17. [quote name='LITTLEWING' timestamp='1480241285' post='3182670'] 3.5mm ??? You could get an iPhone in there. Each to their own I guess. [/quote]
  18. G&L's are generally a much more powerful beast. I love my Fenders but tend to gig with G&L's for this very reason. Having said that the Jazz should be consistent throughout the gig. So there must be something wrong or you are suffering hearing fatigue.
  19. It shouldn't be a lonely thread. Great band, superb song writing and bass lines that always seem just right.
  20. Not one of my largest purchases on here but Gareth was a gent and got it posted to me double quick. A pleasure to deal with.
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