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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. More often than not, it would seem that a whole lot of nonsense and thoughtlessness has to be waded through during the search Some people just don't care how they treat others,
  2. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] I don't have drunks telling me their dad plays better (or the likes). [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]At a DefunkT gig in Ware a couple of weeks back, a drunk informed me that I played so much better than his Dad [/font][/color]
  3. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1478457492' post='3169162'] Great stuff. There's nothing electrical attached to the underside of the guard? [/quote] Just carefully undo all the screws, remove the output socket nut and washer, remove the volume and tone knobs and the nuts and washers. Then lift the guard off. Sometimes it can be a little tight around the pick ups but some gentle tweaking will get it done. I recently got one of the cheapish 3 ply black/white/black guards on Ebay for about £13. Perfect fit, it didn't have the cut out for the truss rod access but a bit of time spent with a couple of files and the job was a good 'un.
  4. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1478455640' post='3169148'] That's what I was thinking. Is a MIA 'guard easy to change? I've looked online, as there's a million different versions! [/quote] Yes easy enough. Do your research get one with the right number of screw holes and the truss notch and your good to go
  5. Looks great but would be better with a black guard, particularly with that nice maple board
  6. Like Plunger suggests, a shim might well be the answer but I have on occasion cut down saddle screws. It is a long winded faff though. I have also bought a set of shorter saddle screws, can't recall from where though It might have been Allparts or Axes RUs.
  7. Sims tort guards are the only ones I've seen in the UK that look anything like the tort used by Fender in the 60's & 70's. There is another U.S. seller on Ebay (not Spitfire), who does a very good vintage looking tort. I didn't buy from him when I was looking, purely because the black section of the three ply wasn't as thin as the originals, his tort was good though Sory can't recall his name but sure you will find him, with a bit of searching.
  8. Mine all pretty much the same, with the exception of the fretless, which has hardly any neck relief and low nut slots.
  9. If you're looking for a top quality, modern p/j bass, here it is : [url="https://flic.kr/p/r2xhxa"][/url] Behold the spectacular birds eye maple [url="https://flic.kr/p/r2rgtE"][/url]
  10. I failed one a little while back, well I assume I failed, as they never had the courtesy to let me know. I think I failed due to not being able to impress with a jazzy sort of improvisation. The weird thing was, that the audition was supposedly for a soul/function band I had learnt the six songs asked for, in less than twenty four hours from first contacting them, to turning up for the audition. I actually ended up not really wanting the job, as I suspected they were going to be one of those "get together every week and rehearse for ever" type bands. Even so, it still smarts a bit to be rejected.
  11. This rather stunning instrument is still available
  12. Yes what John said Are they a heavier gauge to what was on there previously? If so, maybe the nut slots need filing a tad.
  13. gary mac


    Gigged my old SB1 on Friday night, it really is one crackingly good gigging bass. [url="https://flic.kr/p/ahrYbE"][/url]
  14. For me, some finishes look ok with age related wear and dings, Olympic white for example. Metallic or pearl sort of paint job has to look perfect. I'm careful with all of mine, although probably not precious about it
  15. Withdrawn. I'm playing guitar a bit more these days, so I'm keeping this. It is even more special now, as it has become vintage during the time that it has been advertised on BC. None of you can have it now, it's all mine.
  16. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1477385394' post='3161804'] I'm not understanding some of these posts. So the drummer drops a stick, has a brain fart and looses the beat or stops to scratch his bum in the middle of a number and you follow with the resulting cock-up? That is the worst thing any of you can do. If one band member makes a mistake the rest of the band carries the number until that player gets back on track. It isn't a problem if one of the players, even the drummer, stops playing for a bar or 2 while getting their bearings, but the train wreck of everyone trying to follow a mistake is not what should be happening. [/quote] Have to agree with this, anything else has the potential to cause a wreck.
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