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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. A great job there, very well done.
  2. Body looks pretty authentic Rich, I particularly like the bottom edge, looks just like one of the old J basses that I had. will look forward to seeing your progress.
  3. If you don't like the songs now, there is a good chance that down the line a bit, you will be seriously fed up with them and wanting to leave anyway. The other one sounds much more promising.
  4. Glad I'm out gigging tonight and not hanging around to keep an eye on this thread. Will leave that to Bilbo, he loves a bit of Moondance
  5. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1469805716' post='3101229'] Gi ower lad, tens neetweer [/quote]
  6. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1469805366' post='3101225'] Many thanks gents, the help is very much appreciated. I guess I'll be fine as long as I wear rubber gumboots . Thanks again, Karl. [/quote]s You Northern chaps have some strange stage wear.
  7. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1469707692' post='3100481'] No, I feel morally obliged to advise the OP on his errors. [/quote] I feel morally obliged to leave you to it then
  8. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1469562031' post='3099428'] WOW you dont half have some stonking gear Gary [/quote] Thanks Paul. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1469563847' post='3099452'] Stop harassing me mr Mac! GAS......... [/quote] You've harassed me before now, so it's my turn
  9. Welcome, good to have you here.
  10. It is amazing how the page count racks up on some threads, this one being a classic example. I'm not moderating as such, so this isn't an instruction but more of a suggestion: The OP has plenty of good info here to refer back to if he chooses to do so. For all you patient souls who have tried and are very obviously becoming frustrated, perhaps it's time to give it up.
  11. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1469647338' post='3100070'] Fair enough, i forgot that Alex had posted that. All makes sense although i still think its a bit over the top. Not a reflection on BF, just that this Tim bloke seems a bit of a gear tart to me. Is he trying to compete with the much slagged off Adam Clayton to see how many basses he can use on one gig without anyone noticing the difference :-) [/quote] Dave should you be accusing other players of being a gear tart?
  12. I suspect that you will be very happy, they are seriously good little amps. Great core tone and capable of huge amounts of loudness
  13. Our one and only festival appearance for this year was on Sunday at Ware in Herts, Rock in the Priory and it was fun. Extremely well organised and I hope we get to do it again next year. View from the stage [url="https://flic.kr/p/KoKtJX"][/url] View from the audience [url="https://flic.kr/p/KsM6LL"][/url]
  14. [quote name='aDx' timestamp='1469537696' post='3099112'] and ... I have just been there this morning! [/quote] Did you visit the coffee shop? They actually serve a really decent espresso
  15. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1469524206' post='3098933'] He is right about the chrome & metal tapes: they sounded so much better than the standard ones (assuming the source was good quality)... But, portability? Yeah, smaller than a CD, but you can put a lot more music in a CD these days. And let's not start with digital media players that can hold gigabytes of data... Durability? Unless you only use them in your high quality deck, you will get them chewed sooner or later, and your high quality deck won't be the 'portable' one, rendering the portability argument invalid. Who wants to listen to tapes these days, really? long rewind/forward, can't skip/find tracks, takes long to record... When our singer said tapes were 'cool' and he was going to look into issuing a tape version of our last album I thought he was joking! But one thing I see in common among all these tape enthusiasts: they weren't around when tapes were what we used everyday as it was the only really portable medium, and the only way to make your own compilations... I don't miss tapes at all. I still have a very nice Sony deck from 1995-1996. Maybe I should clean the heads and ensure the belts are in good condition and sell it to some crazy person who prefers tapes. I also have a VCR in great condition [/quote] I've recently sold a couple of old tape decks on Ebay, both buyers were very enthusiastic and happy to pay
  16. [quote name='bassatnight' timestamp='1469467970' post='3098572'] Welcome aboard! I was born just down the road in WGC in the QE2 which I understand is shrinking fast... [/quote] The QE2 is being reborn, better, more efficient and erm...smaller
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