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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Had the pleasure of meeting up with Norm today, when he drove all the way down from way up North, to buy my lovely old Jazz bass. Happy to be able to say that Norm is another of the good guys, so deal with confidence Bass Chatters.
  2. That looks like a real find, very handsome
  3. Loads of info here http://www.guitarhq.com/fender.html
  4. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1467545108' post='3084392'] I used to suffer from migraines in my youth but very fortunately grew out them in my teens, but I still remember how utterly dreadful they were. If such lights (or anything really) triggered a migraine then I'd give them zero tolerance too! [/quote] My migraine experience has been the opposite to yours, in that I never had them during my teens or early adult years. Didn't get my first one until my late forties. Like you say though, they are utterly dreadful things. What really cheeses me off is people who have a bit of a headache, describing it as a migraine
  5. Hate those lights, my band has a pair of them. I really have a problem with them, in that they will trigger a migraine. I know that it annoys certain band mates but if one of the LED's is pointing in my direction, then I have to have it moved. It's that or packing up and going home
  6. I do play everyday, although I have to say that more often than not, it's more of a general noodle and finger exercise, rather than structured practice.
  7. Any BC'ers interested in taking a look at this amp, just let me know. Might even be able to arrange for a loan, if you would like to gig it.
  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1467462153' post='3083845'] Yes. There are widgets you can get that will pull the information directly from Facebook. You just have to update your events on Facebook and it'll automatically list your upcoming events. [/quote] Tim, although I love playing with the band, I now mostly keep out of the PR/management and suggestion side of things and just play the bass
  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1467402405' post='3083528'] I haven't read all the posts. Not a bad site. My suggestion, the second thing people should see on your home page is the time, date and place of your next gig. Blue [/quote] Agree with Blue, I suggested the same for our home page, when the band website was being put together. So, the band went with my suggestion, which was great but then it very rarely got updated, definitely not so great. I've since argued, that if it's not regularly updated, then it should be removed.
  10. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1467402722' post='3083531'] Know it. ..and be a lengthy wait if you go for new... [/quote] Used would be my preferred choice.
  11. I can't see the photo
  12. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1467394409' post='3083437'] So i'll be the first one to post some Yammy love here then? Ok, here it is, needs no introductions: My bassface says it all: Had it's place at my wedding: It's my main bass, the one that i hook up flat to any amp and pumps out my tone immediatly. Hope that the pics are shown properly. [/quote] I just love that last pic.
  13. Wal GAS has hit again It could get costly.
  14. I've never tried the Warwick strings, so it's difficult to know what to recommend but the D'addario NYXL nickels are a fine string. I've had a set on my main gigging bass for a couple of months now, so they've done a few gigs and rehearsals and are still very much alive and well. I do always clean them down post gig.
  15. [quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1467385279' post='3083335'] this is my (for the time being) LB100. I have it up for sale, as I'm just not connecting with it... but the longer it stays in the FS ads, the more likely I'll end up keeping it! [/quote] That is such a looker, I keep on visiting your ad for a look. Just not actually looking at buying another G&L at the moment. If I was looking for a P bass to gig, even though I love Fender P's, I would more than likely go for one of these.
  16. I still regularly listen to the Yes Album and Fragile. Today my lovely wife treated me to a CD of The Ladder Never heard it before, only played it through once so far but I think it's going to be another fave. Certainly some cracking bass work on there.
  17. Hello and welcome Steve. We turned on to the same sort of bands at about the same time I spotted the little ref to the Heep, down in your sig. Hope you enjoy the forum.
  18. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1467278972' post='3082425'] No doubt a great piece of history but I think it's one of the fugliest basses I've ever seen! [/quote] I would ban you, if you weren't the boss.
  19. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1467217562' post='3082037'] My latest, a Japanese 57RI [url="http://s38.photobucket.com/user/Tim_73/media/IMG_4651_zpsqjk2cbs6.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] That's a cool looking P
  20. Enjoyed that WOT, sounds good through my hi-fi system. Looking forward to next weekend, when I'll be gigging the 400 again, this time in a club setting.
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1467065398' post='3081004'] Can I go next please? [/quote] Mr discreet, pass it this way when you're done, thanks.
  22. Lovely and I bet it looks even lovelier in the flesh, that's not the easy colour/finish to photograph.
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