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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I suffered the opposite to you last night. FOH sound through the P.A. was truly excellent but my rig sounded very thin and weedy from where I was standing. As soon as I saw the venue, I knew it would be a challenge. It was a huge glorified cow shed, concrete floor, walls of concrete blocks and corrugated steel sheeting and then a pitched roof of corrugated sheeting. Higher than your average house and about 50 foot wide x 150 foot or so in length.
  2. That will be one very impressive set up Lozz. I'd love to frighten the landlord over at the White Hart with that rig.
  3. They sound pretty lacklustre to me Feel for him though if it is health/injury. Glad I'm languishing on the sofa watching, rather than wading around in the mud
  4. [quote name='spiltmilk_2000' timestamp='1466781119' post='3078786'] Beautiful! You might want to change the subject line if this is no longer on hold Gary? [/quote] It is still on hold, I will amend the title as soon as it has been collected.
  5. The timbers used and the workmanship look spectacular.
  6. [quote name='CH161' timestamp='1466714920' post='3078186'] This is a lovely looking bass Gary. Just giving you a bump here as I look through the classifieds. [/quote] Thanks.
  7. [quote name='doomed' timestamp='1466684490' post='3077861'] I'm surprised he didn't have a few in the shop for demo purposes if they get so many people trading them in... [/quote]
  8. [quote name='King Tut' timestamp='1466691120' post='3077931'] Roll on end of July! [/quote] Worth the wait, it is a brilliant cab
  9. [quote name='Barking Spiders' timestamp='1466676348' post='3077766'] Hi there Gary Mac. Stuart Morrow was the original bassist for New Model Army and Leigh Gorman was in Bow Wow Wow check out SM on this [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lptWINyPBlk"]https://www.youtube....h?v=lptWINyPBlk[/url] and LG on this [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzHyOctD72k"]https://www.youtube....h?v=lzHyOctD72k[/url] [/quote] Thanks Barking, I have the playing of both over the years, just didn't recognise the names
  10. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1466676499' post='3077773'] Looks awesome Gary, glad to see you've decided to keep it for a bit! I actually didn't play this on purpose at the herts bash, not only would my '71 get jealous, but I was worried I'd be thinking about trying to buy it if I liked it haha. Out of interest, what colour/finish would you go for if/when you 'restore' it? I've seen some excellent work from Joseph Kaye in London, he refinished my friends '57 Strat, period correct paint and nitro (shipped by boat from america), and the relic job is top top draw. Si [/quote] Cheers Si. If I go for it, I shall be putting it back to how it started life, see through blonde.
  11. The usual high standard of reviewing, great work.
  12. Not heard of either of them but welcome anyway.
  13. gary mac


    [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1466665267' post='3077614'] As ever a couple of days back and forth laughter with Mad Malkie MacMad of Madville. The sale was agreed immediately and decisively, the couple of days was just fun All I can really say is dealing with Mark is just an absolute pleasure. He makes it all so easy, enjoyable and fun. Fully recommended by Quasi and The Mojo's. Hope your anal tract is back to normal fella [/quote] I know you said that you had fun but frankly, I'm shocked.
  14. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1466625868' post='3077418'] That pickguard is a great find Gary, especially in that condition. Looking good. Love these ash body ones, looks good in natural but certainly wouldn't suffer from a Clive Brown blonde 'restoration', as he calls his relics. [/quote] Cheers Dan, I knew that it wouldn't be easy to find one, it took some time, perseverance and then a big chunk of right place, right time Mrs Mac is already a little concerned that I'm losing the plot, spending "all that money on an old bit of plastic" So the restoration is on hold for a while.
  15. [quote name='skychaserhigh' timestamp='1466658415' post='3077588'] Just don't expect one 12 inch speaker to be able to do what four 10 inch speakers can do. [/quote] I've not been disappointed going from four ten inch speakers to the 1x12 and horn. It is truly very impressive.
  16. I've recently downsized from a pair of 2x10" Mark Bass cabs to one Barefaced Big Baby. I loved the MB's but the Barefaced is just great in every way for me, it produces the sound that I want at the volume I need and the load in/out is a breeze.
  17. [url="https://flic.kr/p/Hsc4VT"][/url] [url="https://flic.kr/p/Hs7NyE"][/url] My 63 wearing its rather lovely new 1959 guard.
  18. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1466356635' post='3075231'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I just acquired this Am. Std. "PJ" Precision. It's an Am. Std. Precision body, with an Am. Std. Jazz neck. CS60's, Precision / Jazz pups, with a side mounted jack. It really plays nice. It's also a Limited Edition, just how many Fender considers Limited Edition is not to clear right now. I guess.[/font][/color] [/quote] Very nice, have you sold it yet?
  19. That does look rather lush. Good to see a few basses coming south from Wigan. Strings do make such a difference don't they? A couple of times in the past a string change has had me changing my mind about moving a bass on.
  20. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1466521116' post='3076463'] Am I being dense or does the website not actually say where they are? [/quote] Not sure, last time I looked I was just lusting at the basses. Unless he has moved, it was in Devon.
  21. On Saturday I trustingly put this on hold for a Bass Chatter, I've not heard from him since, so please consider it available again. This has happened to me in the past, causing delays, lost sales and stress. So from now on in, I won't be putting items on hold. It will remain available for sale until payment has been made.
  22. I'm not playing this time, sorry. Plenty will though
  23. http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/ Not had any dealings personally but have heard he is a good chap to deal with.
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