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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='Westenra' timestamp='1465253368' post='3066620'] Loving the look of these, the simplicity reminds me of the little bastard. Don't suppose anyone around London has one and willing to let me try it out do they...? [/quote] As WOT said, I have the 400 model. You are welcome to pay me a visit for a try out at lowish volume (unless my neighbours are out, in which case we can give it a blast). I'm in Hertfordshire. Message me if you want to make arrangements.
  2. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1465244711' post='3066501'] Best, most balanced response to this thread so far. I would be interested in the answers too. Doubt TC will chime in, can Alex? [/quote] It would be completely understandable, if Alex really couldn't be bothered revisiting this thread.
  3. Bring your 1x10 over to my place and we can give it a work out.
  4. The Handbox sat upon Lozz's rather fine Barefaced Cab. [url="https://flic.kr/p/Hu9Fgy"][/url]
  5. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1465237668' post='3066423'] Yep, I thought it was a great amp - and the boost button really makes it come alive for the type of sound I want (and which most others would run a mile from I guess). [/quote] Maybe it should be rebadged, the PUNK button
  6. Si pondering where to insert the plug [url="https://flic.kr/p/HKQPCq"][/url]
  7. Good evening Hatfield! [url="https://flic.kr/p/GYSR36"][/url]
  8. The amp performed really well at the Bass Bash. I was pleased to get the opportunity to hear it at volume, in a largish room. First of all Lozz put it through its paces and used it for the pedal/pre-amp shoot out. Hooked up to his Barefaced 2x12" it worked very well, keeping in mind that the eq was kept flat, nothing boosted or cut, the idea being, that we could really hear what effect the pedals had to the sound from Lozz's U.S. P bass. After that I hooked it up to my Barefaced Big Baby 2 and it was given a blast with a few different basses, passive and actives. I think it was generally agreed that a great sound was easy to achieve with only very slight eq adjustments. Would I buy one of these amps? The early signs are good, I love the look of it and we all know that this is an important consideration . At lounge friendly volume I can get a great tone out of it from all of my basses. What I heard at the bash, convinces me that it will deliver the volume/tone that I require for gigging. I've yet to A/B it properly with my GK Fusion 500, which I love but I get the feeling that the GK might well end up staying in the gig bag as a back up.
  9. These days we get together in the rehearsal room, only when we have new songs that we want to add to the set. The important bit, is that we have all learnt the six or so numbers at home first We do this every six weeks or so, thus keeping the set evolving and staving off (mostly) the set getting stale.
  10. Andy's work on this is truly impressive. The colour and finish of that top wood look even better in the flesh
  11. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1465158057' post='3065741'] All of this and more is exactly why I don't come on here anymore [/quote] Which is a shame. I find it quite depressing that a few forum users can spoil it for some. Fortunately, the clued up, informative and helpful posters far outweigh the more tedious ones.
  12. I've had a few Class D little amps, the Fusion 500 is my favourite. I love the versatile eq, the effortless volume and the way it drives the cabs that I've paired it with. The pre-amp does a convincing valve tone. I've have played through an MB but only at home volume, great little amp though.
  13. It was a great way to spend the day. A big well done to team Mick, Chris, Lozz and co. Really enjoyed catching up with the BC'ers that I already knew and meeting some for the first time. Looking forward to doing it again next year.
  14. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1465117724' post='3065339'] Would make LBGS a lot more popular [/quote] Wouldn't it
  15. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1465117360' post='3065326'] Maybe it's like a decibel meter but works on how many notes per minute you play - too many slapped notes and it slaps your wrist, saying 'enough is enough my friend, I'm turning myself off until you calm down a little' [/quote] This would be a welcome feature.
  16. Just waiting for my wife to load the car and then I'll be on my way
  17. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1465107599' post='3065264'] Looks great, the case is really classy as well... Beats the rubbish nylon bags all my amps have come with. Looking forward to hearing it at the bash How heavy is it? I've been trying to justify a Glock BAC to myself all week for gigs where I get a lift and that's 17kg... [/quote] It's much lighter than the Glock, comes in at about 7.5kg. Look forward to meeting you Rob
  18. Interesting to read the back story Hope you enjoy it, they do make great instruments.
  19. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1465023700' post='3064669'] I'm out I'm afraid, weekend shifts mean alternative plans dammit! Somebody please take pics of Greeks new toy as I'm dying to see how it looks!!!! [/quote] I'm sure Silvia will be on the case. That girl is very good with a camera
  20. A most enjoyable viewing experience. Very much looking forward to next weeks episode.
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