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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1464972644' post='3064323'] I can't believe yours has got lights. I'm insanely jealous. :-( Nice case, too - that's probably similar to what I'll be going for, to match my cab. Did it come with a soft case? [/quote] No soft case but lots of loverly blue lights
  2. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1464972153' post='3064318'] That's a serious case! Looks great. [/quote][quote name='discreet' timestamp='1464972142' post='3064317'] Look forward to hearing about this... first impression: Great that it comes complete with its own flightcase. [/quote] It really offers proper protection and has a reassuring industrial feel to it.
  3. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1464970845' post='3064304'] Is this valve front and digi back? [/quote] Yes the pre features 3 x 12AX7's ECC83
  4. Although WOT already has a thread on the same model, I've decided to start another, I think another thread is relevant as I'm sure our experiences will differ, as we use different instruments and cabs . This was posted from Poland on Monday and arrived safe and sound at my place on Thursday morning. [url="https://flic.kr/p/GQXvLD"][/url] My first view of it [url="https://flic.kr/p/HHB1wd"][/url] As you can see the case is a substantial affair, offering a good level of protection. [url="https://flic.kr/p/GQRfby"][/url] The one I have has the same colour fascia as WOT's but with the addition of some very pleasing blue lights. [url="https://flic.kr/p/HHAUbN"][/url] To me it's a lovely looking amp and I'm looking forward to putting it through its paces. My first impression was that the controls were somewhat lacking but I was wrong. The simplicity allows for easily achieving a rewarding tone. So far I've only been able to play it at lounge friendly volume at home but I have to say even on a low volume setting it is impressive. I will report back once I've actually gigged with the amp but meanwhile I will take it to the Herts Bash on Sunday, along with a Barefaced Big Baby 2. If anyone wants to bring along their own cabs to give it a blast through, then please do. That's it for now.
  5. Impressive work. The end result was great, just needs a proper 60's tort guard.
  6. I'm sure the Seahhorses bass man is a Bass Chatter, may be he will be along to help out.
  7. [quote name='ziggydolphinboy' timestamp='1464884588' post='3063537'] where in herts are you fella? [/quote] Hoddesdon
  8. I've just taken delivery of this Handbox 400 and will be bringing it along for Bass Chatters to road test. So far, I've only played it at neigbour friendly volume, so I'm really looking forward to Sunday, when we can give it a proper blast I'll have it hooked up to my Barefaced Big Baby 2 but if any of you would like to try it with your own cabs, then please bring them along. [url="https://flic.kr/p/GQRbnm"][/url]
  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1464876627' post='3063417'] Fab! As it happens, the postman has just been here too. And left me one of these... What a beast... I'll use it on Saturday night. [/quote] Wow, that is a fine looking amp
  10. Great, you are going to be very chuffed with it.
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1464873588' post='3063371'] Ooh! Ooh! What colour / style is it? [/quote] Same as yours, in the rather fetching orange. Fortuitous really, it's a colour that my wife loves, so there won't be any nagging if I keep it in the lounge for a while
  12. The courier has just delivered. Rather than clutter up this thread, I will start a NAD thread of my own. I feel that a new one is relevant, given that WOT and I use different cabs and instruments. I'll spend a bit of time getting acquainted with the settings this afternoon and then get posting Please be aware that this amp will for the foreseeable, be connected to a Barefaced cab.
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1464871851' post='3063324'] Just stop. We get it. Stop now. [/quote] Concurred.
  14. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1464866894' post='3063253'] Regarding the 'expertise/opinions' from some people: It's a shame when opinion masquerades as fact. [/quote] Never a truer word and far too many examples of it in recent times.
  15. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1464855006' post='3063111'] A number of folks here are saying they use both volumes on full. I've found that this gives lower output than if you back one volume off a little. Am I missing something? [/quote] No you're not, I've found the same.
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1464824247' post='3063006'] People think they need loads of gear when they don't! [/quote] Who do you think you are, spouting this kind of nonsense. I am appalled
  17. For a good few years now, I've gigged with a pair of 2 x10's and been perfectly happy. Lately I've felt the need to down size, so a couple of weeks back bought a Barefaced Big Baby 2 (1x12" + horn). To date only played one gig with it, so early days but so far, I'm delighted. Certainly a game changer for me, no compromise on sound/volume, if anything more articulate. A huge plus for me, being the ease of load ins and outs.
  18. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1464774205' post='3062321'] Hahahaa...I'm loving this thread...I can smell the burning tooth enamel from here... Well done Alex, and a serious rig there...I'd still want a roadie to carry those heads, mind...has Timmy never heard of the advantages of Class D? [/quote] Oh, Class D, just what we need added to this thread, good work Muzz
  19. Wondered when this would appear on here Thanks for posting . Now please all behave, I'm off to cook some dins, will look back in later.
  20. A fair few of the venues around these parts, have the dreaded sound limiters fitted. Heft is a definite disadvantage in said venues
  21. I bet every single one of who gigs has felt that way after certain gigs. Most likely, driving home from the next one, you will be feeling the pleasing buzz of a gig well played.
  22. [quote name='Iain' timestamp='1464677319' post='3061254'] I think I was just tired, hadn't slept well the two previous nights. [/quote] That would almost certainly be the problem. Lack of sleep messes with the ability to concentrate, big time.
  23. Another brilliantly informative and useful review, to be added to the Bass Chat archives. Good work Mr. Discreet
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