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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1463682142' post='3053377'] raffle it off at the Herts Bass Bash [/quote] Don't know why that didn't occur to me.
  2. It took the thought of listening to one of your clips, to get me off the settee to search out my headphones. All else had failed so far today The bass sounds great as does the playing, love the little flourish at the end.
  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1463818663' post='3054238'] Cheers. Shame you never got to play the BB2. [/quote] Fran can always try it, round at my gaff
  4. It does allow more tonal variation of course but personally I wouldn't retro fit one to any of my P basses. Is it a valuable P bass that you are considering doing this to?
  5. I'm officially a wimp and ageing and have just bought a Barefaced. Now I'm one happy, ageing wimp
  6. [quote name='Veils' timestamp='1463487501' post='3051712'] Thanks Mr Gary Mac It shouldn't be a surprise to me really I guess. The reason I got into playing bass was a certain Mr Alex James, who is still to this day my number 1 bass hero. Not just the way he plays, but the sound he gets too (I know he's a Precision man rather than Jazz). Now that I think about it, Precisions are the only bass I am yet to experiment with........hmmmmmmm........... [/quote] It is very pleasing to get a thank you but what am I being thanked for?
  7. I became a Barefaced owner last night. A nearly new Big Baby 2. Fortunately my neighbours were out this morning and so I was able to give it a fairly comprehensive try out. Like Bearfist said a few posts back, "what a remarkable piece of kit"
  8. Pleased to recommend Haysy as another fine Bass Chatter. Great with comms, no messing about with payment and a pleasure to spend time with. As Tom has already said, "deal with confidence"
  9. Good to hear that you're happy with the Vanderkley Dave
  10. I look at it as entertaining reading though. It's fun reading between the lines and gauging the level of bull. There's a jazz bass on there at the moment and the seller is detailing how the nut has been replaced with one fashioned from a toothbrush. The price for said Jazz, £12,000. Hopefully you won't get too wound up and stressed, may be avoid trawling the ads for a while.
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1463426062' post='3051294'] But I have enough P Basses already! [/quote] Of all the weird things you have said over the years, this one is by far the weirderest Never ever, utter those words within range of Mrs discreet.
  12. Should have taken me with you again Fran, no bugger talks to me, not even Mark or Marcus
  13. [quote name='bassface2k10' timestamp='1463304692' post='3050255'] Hmmmm Sausage Rolls and Pasties it is then....and Cake [/quote] Good man Chris
  14. I do think this is a looker but I mustn't allow myself to be tempted.
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