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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I've currently got a set of Status Ground wounds on my fretless. Very happy with them, though having said that, I've not heard them at gig volume but at home they sound loverly
  2. I really must try one of their cabs. I've been fancying one of the little red 75 watt combos. enjoy your purchase
  3. If they don't go, put them in the Herts Bash Raffle Nice gesture by the way, good man.
  4. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1459762056' post='3019203'] If I was sure I'd like it, I'd take you up but as it is a model I've never tried I dare not chance it. [/quote] I understand, no worries.
  5. Thanks for the comments chaps. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1459627405' post='3018231'] Sadly wrong end of the country as I'd like to have given this a looking at. [/quote] I can get a quote to post it
  6. A prize is deserved for the best reason for sale ever. Didn't I have a word with you about venturing up the dusty end? Good luck with your sale Karl.
  7. Welcome Will. Hope you have a fine time here.
  8. You won't regret it, they are brilliant value and an excellent piece of kit.
  9. I haven't bought a cable from anyone else in a long, long time.
  10. Do you own a multi-meter? If so, you should use it to check continuity. Not all copper tapes are right for shielding/screening.
  11. [center]G&L SB2 1989.[/center] [center]Didn’t think I would be doing this but circumstances change and so I’m selling my Vintage U.S. SB2.[/center] [center]I honestly think a better example would be hard to find. Twenty seven years old, in amazing, almost as new condition.[/center] [center]With its original hard case, key and tools.[/center] [center]Hang tag and registration card.[/center] [center]Completely original.[/center] [center]Ash body with sunburst finish.[/center] [center]Black crinkle coated aluminium pick guard.[/center] [center]Maple neck and fret board.[/center] [center]Radius: 7.25”[/center] [center]Width at nut: 38 mm.[/center] [center]Weight: 8lb 14 oz.[/center] [center]Magnetic Field Design Precision neck pick up.[/center] [center]Magnetic Field Design Jazz bridge pick up.[/center] [center]This is a very impressive gigging bass. The MFD pick ups ensure that it can always be clearly heard, every note is articulate and clear.[/center] [center]There is no tone control on this bass, just a volume control for each of the pups.[/center] [center]I thought that this might be a problem and that I would need to have it modified. It wasn’t the case though, as the amount of tonal variation and volume on offer, by just blending the two pups, is huge. It can go from vintage Precision or Jazz, through to full on aggressive modern (I know, not the best description of a sound). Just a little tweaking of the controls really does impact on the tone/volume output.[/center] [center]Bodywork/finish is almost pristine, there are a couple of slight blemishes not significant enough to show up in the photos.[/center] [center]The fretwork is very good, no wear, no sharp edges, no buzzing, no dead spots.[/center] [center]Neck has the micro tilt adjuster, so no shims ever required.[/center] [center]All the hardware is top quality.[/center] [center]Everything functions perfectly.[/center] [center]The hard case offers a high level of protection and is also in excellent condition.[/center] [center]I haven’t as yet taken any under the hood shots or with the neck off. I’m reluctant to as I don’t think anything has been disturbed since being built. I wouldn’t want to lose a sale over it though, so let me know if this is a problem.[/center] [center]My asking price is £995[/center] [center]Cash or Bank Transfer.[/center] [center]Sorry but not interested in any trades at the moment, other than a Barefaced Cab, maybe.[/center] [center]I would be much happier for the buyer to collect from my place in Herts but I will post if necessary.[/center] [center]If posting is required please advice and I will get a quote to you.[/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/zwCzX4"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/yyJhdU"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/zvKTyx"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/ze9VGQ"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/ze9Qo3"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/ztriLS"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/ze9gz7"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/ze7tqN"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/ze7gVU"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/ze7bNQ"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/yyGn3h"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/zefJ2z"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/zefDnV"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/zuFVtq"][/url][/center] [center][url="https://flic.kr/p/zvHii2"][/url][/center]
  12. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1459525053' post='3017427'] What do you mean. I've been out since midday comparing my fingers to various sized sausages so he can get the string spacing exactly where I want it! That's correct procedure right? [/quote] Sorry. Have to say you have gone above and beyond. I salute you with my non sausage fingers.
  13. Shouldn't this sort of caper stop at midday?
  14. A pleasure to deal with Mike again. Just like last time, a very smooth transaction and no messing about. Another of the Bass Chatters that I'm very happy to recommend.
  15. Looks like a very handsome example there Nick.
  16. Trade offers or any offers for that matter, by pm only please.
  17. [quote name='GregBass' timestamp='1459280335' post='3015126'] I run a pair of BB2s - a superb combination. If you are anywehere near me, feel free to give me a shout to try them. [/quote] Thanks Greg, very kind. There was a time when I was in your neck of the woods a fair bit but not anymore.
  18. Well I hope it thoroughly cheers you up
  19. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1459338748' post='3015553'] Looks like a cool fest. Congrats Blue [/quote] Thanks Blue
  20. We recently auditioned for this one http://rockinthepriory.co.uk/ and we were successful
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