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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fender-Bass-Manual-Maintain-Guitar/dp/1844258173/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1454857376&sr=8-3&keywords=HAYNES++fender+manual http://www.amazon.co.uk/StrungOut-Function-Electric-Acoustic-Millimeters/dp/B00STTCOJ4/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1454857273&sr=8-2&keywords=string+height+measure+for+guitar http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dr-Ducks-String-Electric-Acoustic-guitars/dp/B00FA3GROU/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1454857558&sr=8-14&keywords=guitar+polish Roughly 35 quids worth.
  2. Slightly over budget but well worth the extra tenner http://www.amazon.co.uk/Zoom-B1on-Bass-Effects-Pedal/dp/B00JLEHMG6/ref=sr_1_1?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1454851984&sr=1-1&keywords=zoom+b1on
  3. I learnt it a few months back for our set list, can't tell you who it is but yes it's tight and good fun to play.
  4. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1454648002' post='2971640'] Hi Rich, interestingly enough, we have a plan for pre-amp/DI pedals for this year. Just got to hope I don`t end up with everyone having the same pedal, although if there`s only a few different types I`ll be able to go into the features a bit more, so should all still go well. [/quote] I've got a MXR 80 that I'm happy to bring along.
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1454586105' post='2971022'] My guess would be that it would be the year of the newest component. [/quote] That would be right as far as the buyer would be concerned, the seller might go for the older date
  6. And some users have a moan about the selling fees on BC. It's a total bargain.
  7. Yes it is a bit of a shocker isn't it? You just have to factor it in.
  8. Maybe you should widen your search to the whole of 66. You could miss out on so many good ones being that specific. Plus the neck might be dated Feb but the bass might well have been put together a month or so later I've had a fair few J's over the years but always ended up moving them on as I just preferred P basses. Have to say though that the 66 J is just brilliant, it has the flattest neck in terms of relief and the lowest buzz free action that I have experienced.
  9. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1454581671' post='2970938'] Aha! So you've owned a Jan 66 and I've seen a Mar 66. [/quote] My 66 P has no stamp. So is it a Feb or just Fender being haphazard? Doesn't worry me, it's all original and is mighty fine instrument
  10. Not sure about that. Just been checking my pics, the one I have now has a Sep stamp and one that I sold last year, had a January stamp. Sorry not much help.
  11. I always use Paisley Freight for basses, cabs and amps. http://www.paisleyfreight.com/ Have been reliable and so far have always delivered on time and with no damage.
  12. Form a queue behind me ladies and gents and I will forward it on to the next on the list.
  13. I would very much like to be top of the queue, thanks.
  14. [quote name='Jebo1' timestamp='1454175577' post='2967293'] Echo everything Chili has said here. A mint (and it looks barely ever played) 66' is available here for £5950. I know David and he's a stand up guy, and there's probably a bit of wiggle room on price. It really is an investment quality piece. [url="http://www.davidjpym.com/page292.html"]http://www.davidjpym.com/page292.html[/url] [/quote] Wow, that is a fine example
  15. Good advice from the Chilmiester I agree that it is overpriced, although I guess it depends just how good it feels to play. If I found a 66 P that was a refin but sympathetically done, I could live with it, so long as everything else was good and most importantly it played well. I would probably be willing to pay about half the price of an all original example, so nearer to £2,000.
  16. Another cracking looking instrument Si, I'm tempted but all spent out. Good luck with your sale
  17. Welcome back Pete, you're in the right place
  18. Just learnt one of his numbers for a recent gig.
  19. Well done Mick, look forward to seeing you there.
  20. Do you mean an artificially reliced instrument or a naturally road worn example? I've only had the natural variety and I still treat them in exactly the same caring fashion as I would a brand new unblemished example. Having said that, I guess it wouldn't be so upsetting if one of my already worn models did pick up some new marks.
  21. [quote name='Sausages' timestamp='1453926863' post='2964388'] Out of interest, how do you older guys (older age bracket, not older than me ) get on with finding people to play with; I am struggling a bit. [/quote] It can be difficult. If I look at ads put up by players of my sort of vintage (50's) they almost always seem to be blues, classic rock or very middle of the road, none of which interest me.
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