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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. What a great find and a good looker. Give us an update, once you've bonded a bit
  2. They both had brilliant house bands. They both turned out material that I loved and some that didn't do it for me.
  3. For the first time in well over twenty years my house is a Wal free zone and I don't like it I will be looking to get another I think, even though I'm pretty sure most of them are too heavy for me to gig with these days. There are a whole lot of lovely instruments to consider. I would be taking my time, doing the research and looking at Dingwall, Lull, Spector, Fender, G&L, Alpha, ACG etc.
  4. Do you play Mustang Sally? Do you play Brown Eyed Girl? Do you play Alright Now? Do you play Johnny B Goode?
  5. What a splendid outcome, like you say, shame it took so long to get there. Although maybe that makes it all the sweeter
  6. When I hit a wrong 'un, everyone scowls but guitarist faux pas seem to mostly go unnoticed.
  7. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1450356606' post='2931955'] Buy it and I'll swap it for my Amber burst...I''ll post some photos later.. [/quote] Problem is Mick, it's collection only. A bit of a trek to Yorkshire
  8. I would probably have gone for this if the colour was more to my liking. Great instruments and very shoulder friendly
  9. It's gone, happy for you Know what you mean about sellers regret.
  10. Unless you have a very high tech insulation system, it's got to be a no no. Temperature variations are just too extreme.
  11. A few years back I modded a VM Jazz. The biggest improvement and by far the most worthwhile mod, was replacing the already fairly decent pups with a set of Wizard 64's. I did also replace the bridge with a Baddass, which arguably looked better but I can't say, actually made any difference tonally. Personally if I were considering modding another one, I probably wouldn't change the existing bridge but if it needed changing, then my choice would be a Gotoh 201, which I think is better value, better looking and better for getting a lower string height, without the need to shim the neck.
  12. I've used this site a few times for saddle screws and other bits and pieces http://www.allparts.uk.com/collections/screws-and-springs
  13. Love Free, one of the bands from that era that I still enjoy and still regularly listen to.
  14. You slag, should be ashamed of yourself
  15. Happy to recommend Geoff. No messing about and he paid me immediately. A nice easy, friendly transaction, just the way it should be. Deal with confidence Bass Chatters.
  16. [quote name='Wonky2' timestamp='1449786533' post='2926949'] Just for the record, I still refer to tv programmes as series, not seasons. I think I'm ok ? Right ? [/quote] I'm not going to get drawn in to a conversation about Americanisms, well not this early in the day.
  17. Enjoy your new rig Wonky but please never say "my bad" ever again. If I wasn't in such a fine mood you might have found yourself deleted.
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