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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. These days I'm happy enough at my level. I'm not a technical player, I'm far from brilliant and I could go out, if I wasn't gigging and find better players than me every weekend. Thing is though, my enthusiasm is still there, it is greater than my ability and I'm happy with that. I'm good enough to play with a decent and in demand covers band, along with the occasional dep to keep me on my toes. If I did want to get better, learn to read, or get some different techniques under my belt, then I would be looking for one to one lessons.
  2. [quote name='customstocker' timestamp='1446279510' post='2898254'] from the black remnants in the neck pocket , id say that this was a polyester finished black bass that someone has sanded the colour off & glued on a sheet of veneer . not that it will affect the sound too much . good luck with the sale , these basses are great [/quote] Not according to Paul from Wal but thanks anyway
  3. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1446273690' post='2898228'] There's nothing irrational about G&L GAS [/quote] Seconded. There is room in my house for more G&L's
  4. I'm putting this on hold for a Bass Chatter, until next Saturday the 7th.
  5. Undoubtedly there are many talented musicians on the Tribute scene, who do an excellent job, so I'm not knocking them but I've got no interest in going to see them. Back in the 70's I endured a twenty minute Jimmy Page solo played with a violin bow, it was a miserable thing then and the thought of sitting through it all again, with some pretender dishing out the torment, makes me feel a bit ill For me, it has to be the real deal or not at all. I feel the same about pretend, vintage instruments. I can take the bashing that's heading my way, so fill your boots
  6. I would pull the tube out, make sure everything is all clean and lovely. Reseat it and see if that works. If that didn't do the trick, I would replacing that little tube.
  7. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1445784530' post='2894140'] I was looking for a P bass but no longer since I got a G&L SB-2 in a trade. It's a great bass and there is a Tribute version that may be worth a look. Very usable and punchy [/quote] I've been gigging my US SB-2 in recent weeks and have found that by having the bridge pup volume off and the neck pup volume backed off to about 70% (or thereabouts), I'm very much in vintage P bass territory.
  8. So glad you've got through it Pete and thanks for sharing, that can't have been easy. Wish you well in your recovery.
  9. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1445714201' post='2893714'] Would it be sacrilege to take the frets out? Cheap for a fretless one of these. [/quote] I almost bought a fretless neck for it a few years back but hesitated and missed the opportunity.
  10. Despite what a few BC'ers have said, it is still here, so time for a bump
  11. Some info for you http://www.glguitars.com/features/neck.asp
  12. I had an SB2 with that style of construction. Great instruments, hope you enjoy.
  13. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1445640094' post='2893126'] Gary, impressed that you were brave enough to relic it yourself. [/quote] Us pioneering spirits lead and others follow mate
  14. I've used the same pick for every gig over the last five years. It is now very road worn and therefore desirable
  15. I've just I had a listen to it via my hi fi, sounded fine to me and suited the number. Could hear JT loud and clear. It's a number I would like to add to our band's set list.
  16. Welcome Matt. Hope you enjoy the forum and all things bass related.
  17. My turn to sell something to Harry this time and it was a stress free transaction again. One of the real fine BC'ers to deal with
  18. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1445549546' post='2892411'] Oooh, what's the wood on the Mk1? Cherry? [/quote] It's lovely isn't it?
  19. Welcome to the forum MrRubbish. Up to you of course but you are more likely to get some interest, if you include a bit more info, at the very least the colour, some photos and your location.
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