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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. Not a song that I like but I would like to have written it.
  2. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1443555646' post='2875806'] One thing I noticed with the fan frets is I only really notice them when I stare at the fretboard. Otherwise it just feels natural to me. [/quote] Yes, exactly the same for me.
  3. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1443512705' post='2875304'] I've never had any trouble at all when playing through a Fender Rumble. Mind you, I've never actually played through one. But this is the Internet so why should that stop me from (i) having an opinion on the subject, and (ii) posting extensively as if I'm an expert? [/quote]
  4. We still do need to see some pics Anyone concerned about the fanned fret thing, really don't need to be. I have mostly over the years played Fenders, G&L's etc. and still do on a daily basis but last night I was rehearsing with the band and using my Dingwall, it was quite late in the evening when I even thought about the fact that the frets were fanned. It very quickly feels natural and intuitive. I was experimenting with the pick up selector and tone control a fair bit last night, as our set is very wide ranging and I fancied trying to nail what I felt was the right tone for the various styles. Have to say I was pleased with the outcome and was worth the time/effort. To my ears it nailed the Jamerson vibe when required, the bloke from Muse, Bernard Edwards on the Disco and so on. The tone control has been upgraded to a Stellar tone unit, which gives nine (I think) very usable different settings. Really good piece of kit to add to a passive instrument and available from Bass Direct.
  5. Looks lovely and the gold p/g is a very fetching addition
  6. I've just got myself a PJ Big Head and so far, have to say it has impressed. I've done a bit of recording through it, on to my computer, which worked well and sounded great. Have practiced some tunes with headphones plugged and not suffered the wrath of mrs mac. Tried my I Pod through it and then into my hi-fi. So, all great so far, plus it seems very well built and although tiny, feels reassuringly robust.
  7. For zingy I like DR Highbeams and D'Addario Pro Steels. They give me zing and seem to have a long life
  8. It's not going to please all the readers all of the time is it? I've been a tad unwell of late and in and out of hospital a bit, to help cheer me up, my wife has treated me to the last two editions. The current one I've not enjoyed nearly as much as the first. Nothing wrong with it as such, just that the first one had more in the way of gear and players that interested me.
  9. Morning Wimbish. Glad you found your way to Bass Chat. Hope you enjoy the site.
  10. Lovely bit of grain on the neck Rich. I would have to have those electrics out though
  11. Good work Lozz. Sorry about your cab coming last and your fave maple fboard not fairing well at the Herts bash. Don't let it get you down mate
  12. If this doesn't sell soon, I will have to start playing guitar again. None of you would want to encourage that, would you?
  13. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1443281960' post='2873582'] Hi folks, Apologies for not being able to make it today in the end. Alas my neighbor across the road came home after a few too many drinks last night and crashed into my parked car. Looks like its going to be a write off and so I have no trasport for the time being. Hopefully I'll be able to make the next meetup. Anyhow, hope you are all having a great time today. All the best James [/quote] Not good James, sorry to hear that. Hope you called the Police out. Bad enough that he/she hit your car but it could have been worse. What an irresponsible git
  14. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1443255244' post='2873402'] Have you considered adoption? �� [/quote] not helpful at all but gave me the first laugh of the day.
  15. With ref to the strings not aligning, this is very common on Fenders. More often than not it's a fairly simple but slightly scary job to put it right. I've done it a couple of times now. You need to loosen the neck screws and then exert some force on the neck (you need firm pressure but don't be heavy handed), from the head stock end, in your case pressure on the top and push down. This is sometimes easier with another set of hands. One person to push and the other to then retighten the screws. Another option would be threaded saddles as used on some of the vintage Fenders, which allows you more adjustment.
  16. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1443105656' post='2872268'] He was/is a Goth if that helps you? [/quote] Thanks for trying but no, it doesn't help at all
  17. [quote name='haimesy' timestamp='1443035548' post='2871760'] Yes I got it off eBay a few weeks ago , the combination of a few Friday night pints and nothing on the TV .. [/quote] A dangerous combination.
  18. I sorted one out with a little rub over with Duraglit.
  19. Morning Paul. Welcome to the forum. Good that you've found your way back to the bass, now don't be silly, stick with it this time
  20. So, the OP went with a lightweight amp. There must have been a decision process at work with that choice. So why is it weird that a fair few players want lightweight instruments? If I didn't have to moderate, this thread would be on my ignore list
  21. As always Discreet your review and photos are excellent, even if the amp turns out not to be
  22. There are a whole load of videos on tube that demonstrate setting up procedures, truss adjustments etc.
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