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gary mac

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Everything posted by gary mac

  1. I wouldn't worry too much. I frequently remove all the strings to clean frets/fret board. Generally basses are are tough old things, no need to mamby pamby about with them
  2. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1442680317' post='2868745'] Then today I went out and bought a fantastic Mexican Fender Standard Precision and I'm wondering why I didn't just start with this one in the first place. [/quote] That's it really, you found a good one today but so many players get put off because they happen to pick up and try a not so good one, (of which there are plenty), or a poorly set up one, or one with worn out/dead strings. Find a good one though and it is such a pleasing thing and feels so right.
  3. Not local and I'm not venturing out far at the moment but very good luck Paul. Will look forward to post gig report later
  4. Congrats and welcome to the world of the P. Took me a good few years to get the P bass love but now I keep buying them, particularly 60's & 70's ones That does look so good and love the grain on the headstock.
  5. We have an agent, early days though, so not able to say if it will be worthwhile. Our one insisted on a high quality demo, not so much for them to tell if we were any good (they had already seen/heard us in action) but to put on their website for potential punters to have a listen. A recording made with an I Phone held in front of the p.a. down at the local pub gig would probably not impress.
  6. Love that description of the original sound to the new improved version
  7. I find myself really wanting one these............sigh
  8. The nail varnish makes me feel a bit uneasy (on any chap) but I have to admit to liking the shoes
  9. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1442574680' post='2867898'] Was Dave West, who played with Wham! for a while. [/quote] Nice one Lozz, I will be requiring your autograph next time we meet up.
  10. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1442334064' post='2866148'] If I had the spare cash... [/quote] You could pay me a deposit now that you've recently had a successful sale
  11. You can easily check whether a high fret is the culprit. Get yourself something with a straight edge, long enough to span across three frets (the suspected fret and one either side). Credit card might do it. You will be able to quite easily see if there is a high or low fret.
  12. [quote name='dfl3tch3r' timestamp='1442468507' post='2867125'] Derrr....How does the 'Bump' thing work? [/quote] You've done it and please keep in mind, that you can't do it for another 36 hours. Plus I've given you a little bonus bump now.
  13. Steve is another of the honourable and reliable forum users. Very happy to recommend him as one of the good guys to deal with.
  14. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1442387311' post='2866461'] Kind of similar. I had always played lots of different styles. The usual - Motown, Blues, Rock , Funk etc. As you said, i think i just got comfortable. Started playing a few disco numbers with our band a few months ago. Shocked at how hard i found them to start with. All those octaves tested my little finger!! All good now, but i had to work at it to get the muting between octaves. To play the parts as clean as i wanted wasn't as simple as i expected it to be. Definitely made me think about how accurate the rest of my playing is and brought it up another level (IMO YMMV etc etc) I've also got a Warwick [/quote] Exactly the same experience for me over the last six months or so, since we started introducing more Disco. Unlike you and Bob though, I've not yet bought a Warwick I have lusted after a couple though.
  15. Chuffed for you, hope you thoroughly enjoy it
  16. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1442263300' post='2865660'] This all seems like a good reason to rescind the rule preventing people replying to Wanted threads, it seems like the alternatives are not working. When this rule was introduced a review was promised by the site owners but I don't believe it has happened - happy to be corrected if it has. [/quote] But it is working and changing it would not alter the fact that some people just can't be bothered to reply.
  17. I recently got a set of these, amazingly good. I've tried £200 sets that I didn't feel offered better sound. http://www.amazon.co.uk/August-EP650-Bluetooth-Headphones-Rechargeable/dp/B00IMKRQO8/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1442251153&sr=8-4&keywords=august+headphones
  18. Love Free, thanks for posting. Heard them described recently as Plod Rock Kos would have been 65 today.
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442224455' post='2865216'] Very good Gary! But which one? [/quote] My anorak tendencies are not that finally honed I'm afraid
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1442222953' post='2865186'] Excuse my ignorance, but is that some form of Ibanez Dave is playing? If so, which one? D'oh! Question already asked! [/quote] Just had a look at another one of Fran's pics and can confirm it is an Ibanez.
  21. Some great pics in there Fran. Was that one of Dave's Ibanez basses?
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