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Posts posted by akabane

  1. I second Michael Manring.
    A seriously great musician, abusing his fretless.

    Especially like his song "Selena" but he composed a few really good ones imho.

    Enjoy :)


  2. [quote name='fabinosto' post='1315082' date='Jul 24 2011, 08:28 PM']Sound :


    Man, that thing is BEAUTIFUL (along with the Sei and the other Roscoes posted before).
    But yours especially is...arousing. :)

    And great sound as well!

  3. Hi everyone!
    I'm Emanuele, Italian, forced to move abroad for work reasons (but hey, here I can create explosions for movies! KABOOM! :) )
    Lived in London for 1 year now.

    I love playing bass (double and electric), even though I'm not what you would consider a "good player" - but I just adore playing, so, who cares. I'll get better :lol:

    Since I moved here I didn't have the chance to play the bass (365 days without...it's been a torture!) except for the odd jam with my former flatmate who happened to have a cheap 4stringer.

    I want a 36 hours days!!

    Happy owner of a Yamaha TRB1006 Natural w/ Roland Midi Pickup and Hartke Combo (back home...they'll get here soon-ish, I hope!), a green Court 4 strings (flashy!) and an unnamed super cheap don't-remember-where-did-i-get-it 4 string fretless. Oh yeah, how can I forget my really close friend, my Upright bass, 3/4, study model (nothing fancy, but gave me lots of fun!)

    I never heard about this forum (which I discovered to be one of the most populated!) until some days ago when the almighty GAS made a move on me again and I was looking for some fretless 5/6 stringers and found you, bassChatters!
    Hope I'll get along well with you all guys :)

    See you around in the forums!

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