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Everything posted by Johnnyc

  1. The best I've played is definitely my current rig, the Ampeg SVT-VR through Barefaced '69er, although I really wish I'd kept my Traynor YBA300 as a backup, I bet it would've sounded amazing through the '69er.
  2. I think I'll keep my '69er at 27Kg thanks
  3. Hey mate I'm pretty sure the S12 is 4 ohms? Was the PF500 loud enough through it btw? When I tried one out in the shop earlier this year through an ampeg cab it didn't seem to have all that much headroom.
  4. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1383600345' post='2266523'] The GigRig adapters won't do the MB stuff. It's a pain. I had Dan at GR wire two SupaNova adapters in parallel for me as an experiment to see if it would work and that did... But that's basically a £100 power adapter. A single SupaNova should do it on paper, but in practice after a short while the pedals just bottom out and start flashing and ticking. Very odd. I used the SuperSynth (same power demands) for a while and my advice is to use the original adapter. [/quote] Man that's a right pain, I would have thought the SuperNova would have more than enough power for one of the MB pedals? I don't suppose you've tried the T-Rex Chameleon option have you? I don't fancy using the MB adapter in the long run, I probably would've chosen a different compressor if I knew I'd be stuck with the wall wart for life!
  5. Molan the Gigrig does look like a good option, it's probably the one I'll eventually go for as it's probably the best there is for future expandability. The Supernova box used to get the voltage to 12V puts out 1200mA so you could power a second Markbass pedal if you wanted. It is understandably more expensive than the T-Rex though. Man that MOEN Powerstation looks huge! And expensive!
  6. Thanks Yeah mine's definitely not going anywhere! Oh hey Discreet I don't remember whether I thanked you for pushing me towards the BF '69er earlier this year, but it was 100% the right choice so thanks mate!
  7. Never been into rack stuff myself, but i picked up the VT Bass Deluxe last week and gigged it this sat, never having used a VT Bass before. Sounds great, & does a really good job of emulating my SVT while being able to add some grind/OD! Can't believe I hadn't tried one before, blows the BDDI away! Loving the 6 saveable presets too, this is definitely a keeper.
  8. Hey mate, I've got the Compressore too & I've tried to search for power supplies a few times now, the only thing i've found so far is to get one of the T-Rex power supplies like the Chameleon, and use the T-Rex doubler cable to combine the currents of two of the isolated sockets to get the required 600mA. I'm still using the Markbass psu at the minute though. [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/t-rex-fuel-tank-green-current-doubler-cable/77306?gclid=CMjUmviPuboCFXDItAodIj4ADg"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/t-rex-fuel-tank-green-current-doubler-cable/77306?gclid=CMjUmviPuboCFXDItAodIj4ADg[/url] [url="http://t-rex-effects.com/products/power-supplies/fueltank-chameleon-1.aspx"]http://t-rex-effects.com/products/power-supplies/fueltank-chameleon-1.aspx[/url] Johnny
  9. Yes lads! here's my band's account: [url="https://soundcloud.com/#theoceansabove"]https://soundcloud.com/#theoceansabove[/url]
  10. hmm this looks like the one i sold on here last year half tempted to buy it back, what a great amp!
  11. Hey guys, So I thought some of you might be interested to have a listen to the new single that I just recorded with my band 'The Oceans Above' in Fortress Studios with Justin Hill as our producer. It was a great week & Justin is such a great guy to work with. You can follow the link to have a listen and also download it for free if you like it. [url="http://theoceansabove.bandcamp.com/"]http://theoceansabove.bandcamp.com/[/url] Cheers Johnny
  12. Mmmmm tasty! Is the V4B out yet then? Would look great on top of my '69er Grrr I thought i'd just gotten rid of GAS once & for all!
  13. Thanks Will definitely do a review but I'm gonna wait a couple weeks till I can gig it; next show is on the 26th so I'll get one done soon after that.
  14. I play in originals band "The Oceans Above", just been in the studio recording two singles the first of which should be released next month. A couple upcoming gigs - 26th July Birmingham O2 Academy3, 29th July Dublin Castle, London, 2nd Aug The Racehorse, Northampton. Great to see all these Basschatters in bands, I'll have to keep an eye out for any of you playing near me!
  15. Damn that pesky rotated pic
  16. Yeah I think it looks awesome, don't know what I was worried about Pics!!
  17. Well I agree, I definitely made the right choice! This thing sounds incredible! And somehow it feels lighter than the Super Twelve just because of how big it is in comparison. I much prefer the handles on it too. Our producer was loving it last week, got some really great tones out of it, I can't wait for these tracks to be released
  18. Just resurrecting this thread to inform one and all that my 69'er will be arriving tomorrow! :0 Can't wait!
  19. Ok well the surprising outcome of this latest saga: I've been in contact with Alex at Barefaced over the last few days; they make the '69er in pairs and are about to start a pair very soon, while only one of this pair is sold. So last night I bought myself a '69er which will be ready just before I hit up the studio. Result.
  20. Hmmm. Well this is interesting. Finally got my amp fixed and it was great for a few rehearsals and gigs... Now I think the same thing has happened again! It crackled out on me yesterday and is even quieter than it was when it was in its broken state before. Would this indicate there is actually something else wrong with the amp that keeps blowing the valves?
  21. Haha ok yeah the way that last post came across made me sound like a bit of a tool... I'm not that much of a poser... Honest! But considering the type of cab i'm after why wouldn't I go for the one that visually matches my current gear, and still has the tone I want?
  22. Hmm well there seems to be quite a divide in opinion over this! [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1369812520' post='2092890'] An Ampeg 810 for pose value ? .... meh, IMO waste of time. [/quote] Not trying to start an argument but not sure I quite agree with this, image is a huge part of being in a successful band... When it all comes down to it you are selling yourselves as a product, you have to look the part as well as sound it. I wouldn't get one based purely on the look anyway, although one does have to consider it as a factor. Also I can see where JTUK is coming from as I've played places where volume is a real issue and they like to keep everything as quiet on stage as possible, with a drum screen and everything; don't particularly wanna fill the room with bass when the level I want my rig at is too loud for the rest of the room.
  23. Yeah me too I would love to know how they compare. I think what I'm gonna do now is try and pick up a 2nd hand SVT-810Av and see how I get on with it, if it's a pain in the arse I can flog it once my 69'er is ready.
  24. Damn you! haha! Now you're making me want the Ampeg again! Would be alot easier to get hold of one too....
  25. Hmm well after all these responses my thoughts are going with the 69'er. Only annoying thing is I'd never get hold of one in time to use it when we head into the studio in a month's time with our producer. Don't suppose Alex would do a rush job The dual S12 idea doesn't really appeal to me as I want something sealed with a bigger form factor ie 6x10/8x10 which is still fairly tall but wide enough for my amp. Plus the only real option with them would be to have them sat next to each other so the amp sits properly on top (try lifting an SVT up on top of two vertically stacked S12s?!). Cheers for the replies guys! Johnny
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